I just realized
another reason that Barry Fey 'might have liked me'. It was a Halloween concert at the old Denver Coliseum in the early 70's, (I think Santana, but Carol says it was Led Zepplin). My 'costume' was a flasher outfit from the local 'Goodwill' store, consisting of a trenchcoat, the bottom half of a pair of pants, with a curly black wig and a pepperoni strapped to my waist. Right before the show started, I walked up to center stage, like I was gonna do some announcement, then 'flashed' the audience. First it was just gasps, then a bunch of cheers and clapping. I noticed Barry off to the side and he was laughing louder than anyone. The next day I was on the front page of 'The Straight Creek Journal', (click on to enlarge pic) which was the 'Westword' of the time, a free underground newspaper. Later, I offered Barry a bite of my pepperoni, (after others 'took a bite', while I was still wearing it) and it was one of the few times I ever saw him turn down food. After that, Barry remembered me and was usually friendly.