
Showing posts from May, 2020

Yup, I’m definitely Swedish. Was looking up ‘Swedish food’, and came across this.

Sweden  is an amazing country,  known for  its clean streets, successful welfare and high percentage of non-religious people. After our tour of Sweden I’d say my ancestors/current Swedes, are not only NON religious, but ANTI religious, and they have good reason, cuz the people were abused, ripped off and conned by ‘the church’.  The few remaining church grounds are used as graveyards, for the older generation, rapidly dying off. Much like all of Europe, where church attendance is a thing of the past. It’s called ‘Education’.

As our nation faces a double crisis, pandemic and civil unrest, it’s good to know we have caring competent leader in the White House, to get us through these tumultuous times.

HA! Just kidding the jackass in the Oval Orifice is just throwing gas on the flames, inciting violence while concocting outrageous murder theories, refusing to wear a mask and threatening to shut down social media cuz they pointed out the fact that he’s LYING, again. Whenever he gets the opportunity to act presidential, he just reminds us all what a total asshole he is. Nothing new here..... The surprising thing? The ignorant gullible sheep don’t give a shit WHAT he does, cuz he has (R) after his name.

Who da thunk, that it could go from COVID19 to WORSE!

OMG! WTF is wrong with people? Using the excuse of another ‘murder by cops’, to loot and pillage. SOOO sad and disappointing to see the criminals using another Black Death as an excuse for anarchy.

These aren’t protesters, these are LOOTERS, that are just looking for an excuse

To rampage and steal. Sure there were protests, for a good reason, after cops killed George Floyd, BUT, they were FIRED and charged with murder. Now, it’s just a bunch of criminals and outside agitators looking to cause trouble and ‘get their looting on’. It is SO disappointing to see this side of humanity, or lack of it....

Dotard’s war isn’t against Twitter, it’s a war against truth. The Pathological Liar claims mail in voting is rife with fraud, but that’s a lie.

Colorado voting has been exclusively by mail for over ten years with ZERO cases of proven fraud. Oregon has had twelve cases, in TWENTY years. Currently  five states have all-vote-by-mail  -- Utah, Colorado, Oregon, Hawaii and Washington.  Get this: In the 20 years that Oregon has done mail-in ballots, it's had a grand total of  12 proven cases  of voter fraud out of 100 million ballots cast.  In the 2018 election,  the only case of demonstrated ballot fraud  came from a North Carolina GOP campaign.  BUT Dotard rants and raves for ONE REASON! He’s setting up a scenario for when he gets voted out of office. The asshole isn’t gonna leave, and is gonna scream, ‘I TOLD YOU it would be rigged.’ And the morons that swallow his crap will be there, with their guns. Wanna bet?

Repost of a ‘Classic’, as Dotard blames China and WHO for his inaction, after being warned about the killer virus.


Keep flinging the Bullshit, Dotard. Gotta give the morons at FOX something to talk about, and the sheep something to believe.


‘Executive Odor’ is emanating from Dotard, again as the jerk tries to shift blame from himself.

After he ignored warnings and information about the killer virus for nearly two months, the jackass is trying to deflect blame for the massive outbreak in the US, saying China and the World Health Org are the culprits. BULLSHIT! Dotard acts like we all his pet sheep from FOXNews, who don’t give a shit, and have no memory or access to video. The gullible, ignorant FOXSheep will give him a pass for ANYTHING. Shoot someone of Fifth Ave? No Problem. But the rest of us aren’t so clueless, SO, the jackass can try to rewrite history all he wants, and blame everyone but himself, but we’re not swallowing it. Remember when he gave himself an A+ for his response? That’s the fantasy world he lives in, knowing the FOXCrowd will support him, no matter WHAT he says or does.....

The Lyin’ King— Perfect....


I almost never say, ’you gotta see this tube video, but you do need to see this.

Just a couple minutes of a song parody. As Dotard would say, ‘what you got to lose?’

We ALL know Dotard is a Pathological Liar, though only some of us care, but every once in a while

He comes up with a real WHOPPER, even for a lying jackass like him. Here’s a good one; Trump told reporters in the Oval Office when asked if, in light of his recent criticisms of the social media platform, he'd thought about deleting his mega-account. His response was quoted Thursday afternoon by  The Hill.  "There's nothing I'd rather do than get rid of my whole Twitter account." Right..... Then how ya gonna spread all your LIEs and bullshit, fat boy?

Duh, ya think there’s a REASON the jackass doesn’t want any oversight? Tap READ MORE.


A dog whistle, for the sheep.


We all know Dotard is a ‘damaged narcissist’, though many don’t care, but the fact that he is ‘unlettered’ explains a LOT about the jackass.

Of course, right now we don’t have a real leader. We have Donald Trump, a man who can’t fathom empathy or express empathy, who can’t laugh or cry, love or be loved — a damaged narcissist who is unable to see the true existence of other human beings except insofar as they are good or bad for himself. But it’s too easy to offload all blame on Trump. Trump’s problem is not only that he’s emotionally damaged; it is that he is unlettered. He has no literary, spiritual or historical resources to draw upon in a crisis, so he just wings it, loving the sound of his own uneducated, uncaring voice, as he spouts crap like: I know words. I have the best words. I’m like really smart. A stable genius. And the ignorant sheep say, Amen.

Dotard’s war on Twitter, the media he uses MOST to spread his LIES and bullshit, is entering fantasy territory.

If you ever doubted what an idiotic jackass he is, just follow his war, and logic, against his favorite means of propaganda. Keep it up, jackass, I LOVE it..... Paradoxically, it would also remove the very legal standard that has allowed Mr. Trump to use Twitter so effectively to communicate with his 80 million followers no matter how incendiary, false and even defamatory his messages may be. Without a liability shield, Twitter and online companies would be forced to  police accounts like Mr. Trump’s even more closely  to guard themselves against legal action.

Wow! Am watching ‘Filthy Rich’, on NetFlix, the story of Jeffrey Epstein.

Dotard’s friend, the sexual predator on YOUNG girls, 12 and 14 and so. He was busted, and he called in Dotard and his friends, Alan Dershowitz, Alexander Acosta, Dotard’s sec of Labor and others in the South Floraida clan of perverts. The ones who say, ‘Just grab em by the pussy’, as they abuse women, and PAY to avoid justice. See it. ‘Filthy Rich’, the story of Dotard and his friends, as they abuse young women and buy their way out of it, with YUUUGE money, sometimes only $130,00 or $150,000 (Dotard numbers) and political connections. Alexander Acosta resigned and Dotard, as always, just LIED. See it, on Netflix, and see what you think, although the sheep(R) won’t give a shit. They never do......

So typical of the Hypocritical assholes(R)

Democrats in Pennsylvania’s House of Representatives on Thursday accused Republicans of keeping a lawmaker’s positive coronavirus test a secret to avoid political embarrassment, even at the risk of exposing their Democratic colleagues. Representative Andrew Lewis, a Republican,  confirmed  on Wednesday that he received a positive test on May 20, but didn’t disclose it to his colleagues.

Dotard claims he’s gonna ‘shut down Twitter’, cuz they called him out for his LIES. Does the jackass think he’s winning any friends? This is SO obvious even the gullible, ignorant sheep oughta see it.

GREAT! Then we won’t have to read all his LIES AND BULLSHIT! Shut it down, as you gather Pubs at a Yuuuuuge convention, and all you dumbshits take hydroxy and inject Chlorox. Go for it, you stupid jackas! The world will be a MUCH better place! File it under, ‘Good luck, jackass!’ Breaking News: Angered by Twitter's moves to fact-check him, President Trump signed an order cracking down on social media sites. It's unclear if it's enforceable.

Hal Marx, from Trump’s Bible Belt Base, in Mississippi, weighed in on the video, showing the back man being killed by suffocation,

Hal Marx, mayor of Petal, about 90 miles southeast of Jackson, weighed in on the video and the widespread criticism of officers involved,  tweeting on Tuesday , ‘I don’t see anything wrong with it. If you can talk you can breathe.’ This is the type of asshole(R) that gives humanity, or lack of it, a bad name. Where’s your MAGA hat, Hal?

I don’t think the dumbass is doing himself any favors, as he strikes against Social Media for the awful crime of ‘telling the truth’ about his bullshit posts.

Joe oughta just stay in the basement and let Dotard self-destruct. The clown is falling slowly in the polls, even at FOX, where he’s screaming about it. Although the jackass has a gullible, clueless, ignorant base, at nearly forty percent, the other sixty percent, with a triple digit IQ, is getting real tired of his BULLSHIT. Just be cool Joe, and give him more rope.....

As Dotard tries to punish social media for Telling the Truth about his trumped up Bullshit, with Executive Orders,

I think the MAIN story is the Executive ODOR that emanates from the White House and everywhere else the jackass inhabits. He STINKS, in SO many ways.... My ‘original’ phrase, that you are free to use. EXECUTIVE ODOR, referring to the jackasshole!

As America passed the Grimm milestone of 100,000 deaths, every major News organization led with the story, EXCEPT FOX, where they buried it, well below Trump’s lies and conspiracy theories.

And you wonder WHY the morons who get their ‘news’ from Bullshit Mountain are so ignorant and uninformed?

Again, for the rightwingnutjobs who just don’t get it....It’s not about patriotism, it’s about KILLING!


Just when you think the jackass can’t possible get any worse, he always does....

President Donald Trump thanked the "Cowboys for Trump" and shared a video featuring the group’s founder Couy Griffin saying, “the only good Democrat is a dead Democrat” on  Twitter  Wednesday night. Very presidential, jackasshole.....

Trump sees a ‘rigged election’ ahead. Democrats see a constitutional crisis in the making. Like Ivsaid, so many times. ‘When he loses, he ain’t leaving’. There has to be a plan to haul his fat ass out of the White House when he calls the election “RIGGED”, and refuses to leave. As I’ve said, I’ll volunteer, with my 300 Win Mag.....

Calling Dotard a ‘defective man’ is being kind to the jackass, but that’s what Ann Coulter calls him.

“There would be more decorum if you put Zippy the Chimp in the White House,” she said. Conservative author and commentator Ann Coulter has soured on Donald Trump and took to Twitter last weekend to make sure he knows it. Coulter, who was an early champion of Trump’s and even wrote a book entitled “In Trump We Trust,” said she can’t commit to voting for the president in November. “He’s a defective man,” Coulter said in an interview with the Yahoo News, “in so many ways.” In her own extended  Twitter rant , Coulter lashed out at Trump, calling him, among other things, “a complete blithering idiot,” “a shallow and broken man” and “the most disloyal actual retard that has ever set foot in the Oval Office.”

Dotard is threatening North Carolina, where they don’t think a YUUUUGE gathering for the Repub Convention is a good idea.

The vain, arrogant Orange Clown is PISSED. He wants the ignorant, gullible minions to cheer him on, and if they happen to catch the plague, tough shit. I agree with the dumbass this time. If NC won’t throw a party for double digit IQ crowd, fins a new place that will. Sounds lie a GREAT idea to me..... "I don't think there's anyone who would say at this point that tens of thousands of people should come together for a political convention, no matter how great an ego trip it is for somebody,” 

California readies for 'realistic' nightmare — raging wildfires during a pandemic

They just need to follow Dotard’s advice. Get out there and RAKE them forests! After injecting yourself with disinfectants, first......

Twitter is finally standing up to Dotard, and his LIES. And he’s pissed, threatening to shut em down. But he can’t.

To use his own ludicrous metaphor, President Trump could once shoot someone on Twitter’s Fifth Avenue and get away with it. Not anymore. Twitter — Mr. Trump’s principal means of venting, picking petty fights, governing, campaigning and letting loose with torrents of all-caps — finally decided on Tuesday not to let him behave with impunity.

There is one thing that Dems and Pubs can agree on, and its something Dotard promised as he LIED his way to the presidency.

Yup, he continually talked about INFRASTRUCTURE spending, and we need it now, more than ever. Huge WPA type projects to rebuild our crumbling highways, bridges and all types of transportation. What does Dotard do? He golfs, bitches about his made up mail in voting fraud, starts conspiracy theories about a 20 year old murder and sits on his fat ass Tweeting LIES all day. Infrastructure should top the list of priorities. During his campaign,  President Trump promised us  a $1 trillion initiative but then never made a serious effort to achieve passage in Congress. A Congress where Dems and Pubs would back the bill.

Trump’s ‘Horrifying Lies’ About Lori Klausutis May Cross a Legal Line The president’s innuendo about the death of a congressional staffer in 2001 could lead to a costly court judgment against him.

President Trump and his minions relentlessly grind out despicable acts — gratuitous insults to war heroes, over 18,000 (and counting) false or misleading statements, many decisions courts have ruled illegal. But Mr. Trump’s wantonly cruel tweets about  the tragic death in 2001 of Lori Klausutis  are distinctive: They may constitute intentional torts for which a civil jury could award punitive damages against him. Here are the key facts. Ms. Klausutis, age 28, died in the Florida district office of a Republican congressman, Joe Scarborough, who was then in Washington. The police found no evidence of foul play and the coroner reported that the cause of death was a hard fall against a hard object precipitated by her floppy mitral valve disease. That should have been the end of the story, but earlier this week the president tweeted to his 80 million followers that “some people think” that Mr. Scarborough, now a popular MSNBC news host who frequent criticizes Mr. Trump, “g[o]...

A Hypocrite as the mouthpiece for a LIAR....

Trump has been railing against expanding access to mail-in voting,  even though he votes by mail as a legal resident of Florida. It turns out he has that in common with his press secretary, Kayleigh McEnany, who has been the public face of Trump’s anti-mail-voting crusade over the past week, promoting the widely debunked argument that the voting method can lead to rampant fraud. McEnany is also a Floridian, and she has voted by mail 11 times in the past decade. In other POTUS bullshit.... Masks as a political issue? For Republicans, the public-opinion numbers don’t add up, as a large majority support wearing a mask. President Trump has made a spectacle out of his unwillingness to be seen wearing a mask. He  stood before reporters  this month without one, even as he acknowledged that the coronavirus had been detected at the White House and that a new office policy would require most of his staff to wear masks at work.   Polling shows that a...

In just what you’d expect from a Russian backed, LYING, incompetent conman at the helm, the US leads the world iDEATHS from COVID19 and unemployment, BY FAR.

We have the worst of both worlds.... Good job, Dotard, you can finally claim NUMBER ONE at something and not be LYING! More than 40 million people — the equivalent of 1 in 4 U.S. workers — have now filed for unemployment benefits since the pandemic took hold.

Just saw a movie that brought back the ‘old days’, when Nixon(Repub) personally used his power,

To put the Sat Evening Post, Life and Look magazines out of business, Why? Because they were doing stories, with color photos, of the war in Viet Nam, and Tricky Dicky(R) REALLY DIDNT want the American people to see the blood and gore that was everyday life in Nam. Including the innocent civilians as well as the young soldiers being killed and wounded. He used his POTUS power to reset the postal rates SO HIGH that the photo mags, that we ALL read, in the days before the internet, every week, were forced out of business. Sorta like he used his power to reclassify marijuana as a Class 1 narcotic, the same as heroin, so he could jail the hippies that were against his(R) war in Viet Nam, which was a total disaster. Google it if you don’t believe me... Now, Dotard(Repub) is threatening to use his power to put the entire USPS out of business, cuz he hates Jeff Bezos, and the Wash Post, AND, the jackass REALLY doesn’t want Vote by Mail. Bottom line, f**k the Repubs, and the gullible mo...

Dotard is PISSED, cuz Twitter says he can’t LIE on their platform,

And he says he’s gonna ‘shut down Social Media’. RU shittin’ me/ Twitter doesn’t wanna carry his LIES about mail-in ballots and Joe Scarborough, as the asshole tries, successfully, to divert attention from the THOUSANDS that died, because of his incompetence. Claim Joe Scarborough is a murderer and mail-in ballots are SCAMS, although we’ve had No Problem here in Colorado. It’s all about the Pub strategy of ‘suppressing the vote’, which is their MAIN strategy. They damn sure don’t want the will of the people, as over three million people chose Hillary and the jerks(R) don’t want THAT again. Bottom line, good luck, you fat clown, on shitting down social media, when they decide to BLOCK YOUR LIES! Oh yeah, and screw him and the gullible, ignorant sheep he rode in on. BTW, do you morons actually believe Joe Scarborough KILLED his intern, as Dotard is saying? And do you idiots(R) believe mail-in voting is SO terrible, like the Orange Clown claims? I know you’re a bunch of gullibl...

Good line from Anderson Cooper about vain, arrogant Dotard, who claims to weigh 239 lbs. HA!, and fat-shames women.

Referring to Dotard’s LIES and snarky comments, Cooper said, ‘He’s a Little Man, in spite of his large girth.’ Perfect.....

The rightwingnutjobs have a YUUUGE problem with Colin Kaepernick’taking a knee’.

The morons say it’s unpatriotic and he hates American and it’s veterans. BUT, its about one thing, and we saw it happen again, as a policeman killed another black man who kept saying ‘I can’t breathe’, as other officers looked on. Ya think those same rightwingnutjobs would care if it was them, or their relatives who were killed?

From his early days of LYING about Obama’s birth, through the ‘five million illegal votes for Hillary’,

To his outrageous lies about Joe Scarborough murdering an aide, Twitter has helped the lying SOB spread his crap. Now, it seems they may be re-thinking their policy that allows a Pathological Liar shovel his shit to the gullible morons who will swallow his bullshit. We can only hope so.....

There are two world leaders in lock step on COVID19. The good buddies, Dotard and Bolsanaro, in Brazil.

Number one and number two in deaths in the world. From coronavirus. Dotard and Bolsanaro, who both called it a HOAX, while their people died. Number one and two, in deaths. They, and their supporters should be SO proud!

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. I can understand Dotard being Dotard.

A vain, arrogant asshole, who inherited his daddy;s money, went bankrupt multiple times, LIED his ass of thousands of times. A Russian backed conman, just being a conman. Like you can’t blame a snake for being a snake, BUT, WTF is wrong with all the formerly good people who support this LYIHG, incompetent asshole? He wasn’t a Repub, but they kiss his ass. He’s definitely NOT a Christian, but the gullible sheep overlook all his satanic qualities, cuz he gives them lip service and supports, on the surface, stuff they hold dear, BUT, the Bible tempers Jesus would strike him down with lightning, if he was real. Bottom line, a snake will always be a snake, and you can’t really blame it, BUT, for the rest of you Hypocritical morons, how can you sleep at night? I see him screwing a porn star, cheating on his third wife and new born child, going bankrupt for the sixth time, stealing the cash and leaving workers/suppliers ruined, shaming women for being overweight, meeting with the Russi...

I refuse to look at Capt Bonespurs, Mr Pigface,

as American heroes are honored this Memorial Day.

Wow, who ya gonna believe?

The World Health Organization announced on Monday that it's suspending a trial of hydroxychloroquine in treating COVID-19, saying fears of the drug's potential danger outweighs it’s potential benefits. The World Health Org says hydrochloroquine is too dangerous to even continue to test, citing a study by British doctors, with over 90,000 participants, many who developed health problems, some dying, while the drug showed ZERO curative or preventative properties. BUT, Dotard says to go for it, ‘what do you have to lose?’ Wow, tough choice, but I bet the ignorant, gullible sheep go with Dotard. And I hope a BUNCH of them take a BUNCH of it. Oh, and BTW, why don’t you brainiacs inject a bunch of disinfectant while you’re at it, like the Russian backed, Pathological LIAR/conman suggests.... They ain’t known for their smarts, obviously, and we’ll be better off without ‘em.

Repubs, PLEASE follow the advice of your glorious leader, and pack tightly together, at your convention in North Carolina.

Full attendance! What have you got to lose? President Donald Trump  on Monday threatened to relocate the upcoming Republican National Convention from North Carolina to another state if its Democratic governor doesn’t allow his party “full attendance” at the event.” PLEASE, Dem guv, listen to Dotard, and let MAGA hat wearing, mask hating idiots(R) gather closely together. PLEASE....

I’m telling ya, the jerk’s not gonna leave. He’s setting up a scenario where claims fraud, like he ludicrously claimed there were five million fraudulent ballots cast in 2016. The Pathological Liar is gonna have to be forcibly removed, and I volunteer to help.

Trump’s ‘rigged election’ talk sparks fear of post-election chaos The president’s increasingly amped-up rhetoric surrounding the integrity of the November elections has many wondering how he might respond to a defeat.

A Trillion$ Tax Cut for the one percent? No Problem.

Bailing out the USPS that so many depend on, they(R) claim, ‘we can’t afford it!’.

The good news? The world will be a better place when we lose some of these dipsh*ts to the plague. Good riddance!

These just happen to be the idiots who put Dotard in office, so PLEASE, don’t get vaccinated, and help to prove Darwin’s theories. According to a new Yahoo News/YouGov poll, 44 percent of Republicans believe that Bill Gates is plotting to use a mass COVID-19 vaccination campaign as a pretext to implant microchips in billions of people and monitor their movements — a  widely debunked conspiracy theory with no basis in fact . The survey, which was conducted May 20 and 21, found that only 26 percent of Republicans correctly identify the story as false. These are the same brainiacs who believe Dotard about hydrochloroquine, rather than the scientists who have actually done the studies. PLEASE, dumbasses(R), take the hydro and leave the vaccine for the rest of us!

It never ceases to amaze me, just how much damage that jackass, Trumpty Dumpty, can do.

Not only to the US, but to China and the world, as he continues to screw up trade that took decades to establish, while he wrecks the lives of SO many.... Screw him and gullible, ignorant sheep he rode in on. The United States is pushing China to the brink of a "new Cold War," China's foreign minister said as officials in the world's two largest economies continue trading barbs over each other’s handling of the  coronavirus pandemic . "This dangerous attempt to turn back the wheel of history will undo the fruits of decadeslong China-U.S. cooperation, dampen American's own development prospects, and put world stability and prosperity in jeopardy,”

The two worst assholes in the entire world, who happen to lead major countries, Dotard and Bolsonaro of Brazil,are NUMBER ONE AND TWO!

Yup, the two jackasses who called the virus a HOAX, have killed more people than anyone in the world, as the US and Brazil are number one and two, for deaths. Dotard and Bolsonaro. Two peas in a pod. Two incompetent assholes who have killed THOUSANDS, and thousands more will die, cuz they are IDIOTS. Show me where I’m wrong, you gullible, ignorant  rightwingnutjobs.....

Dotard, the Russian backed Pathological Liar, is bitching about mail in ballots.

This is mainly so the jackasshole can bitch when he loses, BUT, he also HATES to see voting be easy for the masses. The LIAR claims there is YUUUGE fraud with mail in voting.  BULLSHIT! We’ve had mail in voting here in Colorado for over twelve years, with No Problems, plus we are second in the nation for voter turnout. The LIAR in the White House is setting up for when he LOSES and WON’T LEAVE, claiming fraud. Ya wanna bet?  The military is gonna have to haul his fat ass out of the White House, and I hope he resists so they have/get to shoot the jackass. We can only hope......

Wow, I haven’t enjoyed a sports event this much for a LONG time.

Tiger and Peyton vs Phil and Tom. Not over yet, but this has been SO much fun. Brady has had ONE good shot and other than that has played like a 30 handicapper, while Peyton has played like an AllStar. Brady has been good though, for making me feel REAL GOOD about my golf game. I could kick his Trump loving ass on the golf course. Not over yet, but I love the format and finally seeing some live golf on TV., esp with all the trash talk, and money being added by celebs, as the match goes on. I HOPE they won’t let Dotard call in and spew his bullshit, ruining the great event..... You know he’s taken the day off to watch this, after golfing yesterday, BUT, if anyone asks, he was WORKING. Nice rainy day here in Colorado, like in FL for the match, where Peyton was wearing a COLORADO cap. He could live anywhere, but lives here......

This is the time of year that salmon fishing in Alaska, and other parts of the world, usually begins, BUT, this year will be way different.

Social distancing could prove hard for fishermen and processors. By nature, their roles set up prime conditions for a virus to spread through close contact.  Unlike beef, pork and chicken workers, salmon processors live in large, communal bunkhouses, the ideal situation for the virus to spread. Several areas are deciding whether or not to even have a fishing season.

Biden said something like, ‘If you don’t know whether to vote for Trump or me, you ain’t black.’

While i totally disagree with the way he said it, i totally agree with his thought behind it. Just wish the Dems had a better candidate to put up against Dotard this fall, although ANYONE is better than that Russian backed, incompetent LIAR.

Trump's drive against watchdogs faces constitutional reckoning The inspector general system is being tested like never before in the Trump era.

How can anyone, even the most gullible, head up their ass sheep, defend Dotard’s firing of SO MANY IG’s, the people tasked with protecting the US Treasury from theft and abuse? C’mon, ignorant minions, remove your heads from your rectums and look at what’s happening. Dotard is removing all those whose job it is to control theft and corruption, as the govt shovels out $$ with both fists. OMG, what will it take for the gullible ignorant sheep to see what’s happening?

Interesting article in the Denver Post today, about Dotard, who has the attention span of a four year old, as his ‘briefers’ try to inform him on vital National Intelligence issues while he interrupts them with Bullshit from FOXNews.

INTELLIGENCE BRIEFINGS Trump a challenge for CIA analysts WASHINGTON»  President Donald Trump has blamed many others for his administration’s flawed response to the coronavirus: China, governors, the Obama administration, the World Health Organization. In recent weeks, he has also faulted the information he received from an obscure analyst who delivers his intelligence briefings, although he was warned repeatedly. Trump ignored a host of warnings he received around that time from higher-ranking officials, epidemiologists, scientists, biodefense officials, other national security aides and the news media about the virus’ growing threat. Trump, who has mounted a yearslong attack on the intelligence agencies, is particularly difficult to brief on critical national security matters, according to interviews with 10 current and former intelligence officials familiar with his intelligence briefings., because he blames them for correctly reporting that Russia actively supporte...

Wow, after months of no houses for sale in the neighborhood, all of a sudden we have two.

Two houses to.the south, also on the golf course, is 1106 Oakhurst Dr, at only $870,000 and a few houses to the north is 1218 Clubhouse Dr, a bargain at only $899,000. Good news, bad news, but it’s only bad news for us, cuz the taxes are going up, and we ain’t selling.....

The Bible Belt Brainiacs of Alabama, have largely refused to wear masks, to stop CPVID spread,

And the death toll is on the rise, as they reopen the state. In a last ditch effort to contain the plague, the gov has called upon Nick Saban, the football coach, to appeal the ignorant masses. He says if they don’t control the virus there may be no FOOTBALL, sooooo, the yokels(R) are starting to wear masks. You cant make this stuff up....

Dotard REALLY misses going to church, where he repents, admits his sins and asks for forgiveness and guidance (HA!), OR, he’s further pandering to the gullible sheep.

Hmmmmm, I wonder which it is? Wading into the culture wars, President Trump declared houses of worship “essential” and ordered them reopened, without any clear authority to do so. What a douchebag.....

Not that polls are all that accurate, just ask Hillary, BUT, maybe we, as a country, have reason for optimism.

And remember, this is a FOX poll, where the sheep are fed a steady diet of pro-Dotard crap and anti-Dem bullshit. A  Fox News poll shows  Trump’s overall approval rating now at 44 percent — down from 49 percent in April and 48 percent in March. The same poll finds him trailing apparent Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden by 8 points nationally (the survey’s horserace was tied in April), and it shows the public’s approval of his handling of the coronavirus at 43 percent — a decline from 51 percent in March and April. The crazy part? Around 43% still support the jackass!

POLITICS 05/22/2020 07:22 am ET Updated 5 hours ago Trump Gripes That Fox News Is ‘Doing Nothing’ To Get Him Reelected

That is WRONG in so many ways. First, Yes They Are. They catapult the propaganda, (GW’s actual words), like no legitimate news agency would even consider, just like Roger Ailes planned. Second, why should they? Other than that’s the only reason they were created. A (very) few of the ‘talent’ starts telling the truth and Dotard freaks out. If there’s ONE THING the jackass can’t stand, it’s someone telling the truth. It’s a sure way to get FIRED in his administration. The only question is WHY would anyone get their ‘news’ from a Propaganda Agency like FOX? It’s like Jack Nicholson said, ‘You can’t handle the truth’, you gullible, ignorant sheep.

The great question. Do you have to be an idiot first, to wear a MAGA hat, OR, does it suck the intelligence out of your head? I’m claiming BOTH!


Wow, finally some GOOD news, after we found out Dotard is talking Hydroxychloroquine.

An analysis of 96,000 hospitalized coronavirus patients on six continents reveals those who received the antimalarial drug touted by President Donald Trump had a higher risk of death compared with those who did not take it.

So, Tucker, you loudmouth jerk, how do you ‘prove’ something like that, even if it’s OBVIOUS?

TUCKER CARLSON'S MONOLOGUE Published  2 hours ago Tucker Carlson: There's no evidence coronavirus lockdowns saved lives.  This is the kind of crap they shovel to the sheep, at Bullshit Mountain.

We all know the vain, arrogant jackass’s ego is off the chart, but this is outrageous, even for Dotard. I wonder how many it will kill?

Trump should cancel his dangerous West Point speech. Graduation is not a combat mission. This has more to do with Trump's ego than national security. There's no reason to risk the health and safety of cadets during the coronavirus pandemic.   Some 1,000 West Point cadets from all corners of the country will soon be returning to the academy in New York,  summoned by President Donald Trump  so that he can deliver an in-person speech. And unlike commencements at non-military universities, where students are not required to follow orders from a commander in chief, cadets will effectively have no choice but to attend the ceremony.  Somebody needs to stand up to the asshole.

Anything, to change the subject from the thousands that died from his incompetence.


Now I understand why Dotard ignored all the warnings on COVID.

The prisons are releasing all his henchmen, since their boss let the plague run wild. Cohen, Manafort and Stone all getting out of prison, where most of the assholes(R) belong. Nice plan, Dotard, but how many innocents are dying from your incompetence? Yup, its a hoax and you have it under control.....

Obese? He’s only 239 lbs... HA! Just another LIE, among THOUSANDS!


Dear WHO, were sorry.

We’re sorry our president attacked you for your Covid-19 response, citing a completely fictitious article that never appeared in The Lancet. What can we say? He’s a pathological liar. He just says these things, and we’ve gotten used to it, but on the world stage maybe it still seems a little odd. Certain voters seem to love it. But the rest of us are sorry to inflict our government’s malicious lies on a respectable and important global organization like the W.H.O. Please excuse us. We’re trying to replace this government with a new, sane, truthful and science-driven one. But it will take us a little while. Meanwhile, please forgive us.

I hope Dotard’s handlers just let Dotard be Dotard, so we can flush him out of Washington in Nov.

He’s ranting against mail in voting, the CDC and the Post Office, all of which are popular with the American people. Go for it, you loudmouth jackass. Dig your own grave.

There is a watchdog, installed between politicians and the people’s money, to insure against waste and corruption. They’re called Inspectors General,

and Dotard has fired four of them in as many weeks. Their crimes? Doing their jobs. Dumpty wants his henchmen in place, who will turn their backs to the wasteful practices of his minions, just as he put his lapdog Wm Barr into the ‘Justice’ Dept. What a joke, if it was funny......

Imagine how many thousands could have been saved, IF we had a competent president, instead of Dotard?

BREAKING NEWS If the U.S. had begun enacting social distancing just a week earlier in March, about 36,000 lives could have been saved, disease modeling suggests. Wednesday, May 20, 2020 9:08 PM EST The enormous cost of waiting to take action reflects the unforgiving dynamics of the outbreak that swept through American cities in early March. Even small differences in timing would have prevented the worst exponential growth, researchers found.

Yesterday as I went up the stair, I met a man who wasn’t there,

He wasn’t there again today, I wish I wish he’d go away. Had never heard that poem before today. And then twice within a few minutes, tonight, from two WAY different sources. Freaked me out....

Nancy compared Dotard to a little kid with dog poop on his shoes, tracking it everywhere.

“It's like a child who comes in with poop on their shoes”...," Pelosi, a mother of five, said at a press conference Wednesday. "He comes in with doggy doo on his shoes and everybody who works with him has that on their shoes, too, for a very long time to come."

They LOVE it! A chance to really cash in, AGAIN.


Wow, for a change I actually LIKE one of Dotard’s ideas, as he plans plans YUUUGE Megarallies with his ignorant followers. GO FOR IT! Help cleanse our species....

‘A moonshot mission’: Trump campaign eyes a return to megarallies

Dotard doesn’t like it when the tables are turned. He’s made fun of women’s weight Many times, but when a woman correctly calls him morbidly obese he flips off the rails.

Pelosi said Monday that it was “not a good idea” for the president  to take the controversial drug because it can pose a risk for people with heart conditions and he is "morbidly obese.” Trump reacted angrily to Pelosi’s swipe at this weight, calling her a “sick woman” with "a lot of mental problems” — the latest chapter in their  years-long feud,  which has, at times, devolved into trading personal barbs.

There are a bunch of rightwingnutjob assholes, ‘out there’, known as QAnon, and Dotard has ‘retweeted’ the violent nut jobs over a hundred times, as they advocate violent resistance to the parts of the govt they don’t like.

And the dumbsh*t in the White House is feeding the flames. They believe there is a worldwide cabal of Satan-worshiping pedophiles who rule the world, essentially, and they control everything. They control politicians, and they control the media. They control Hollywood, and they cover up their existence, essentially. And they would have continued ruling the world, were it not for the election of President Donald Trump, and they are advocating armed revolt. These MAGA hatters carry guns to rallies and threaten those in government who stand in their way.  QAnon is a literal death cult. It imagines crimes, often  cannibalism and pedophilia , that would  justify the arrest  and  even execution  of the president's opponents and enemies. And it’s also a domestic terror threat, according to the FBI. These are Donald Trump’s Storm Troopers and he uses them to intimidate his enemies.

Tell the truth, in the Pathological Liar’s administration, and you’re FIRED! That’s why most of them DON’T.


The ‘whiny little bitch’ strikes again! We know that Dotard is a sleazeball, and this proves it, as he won’t unveil Obama’s official portrait.

President Donald Trump will not be unveiling his predecessor Barack Obama’s official White House portrait, a report says.  NBC first  reported that the event to unveil Obama's official portrait wasn't currently on the calendar, and may not even occur while Trump is in office.

Good responses by Joe and Nancy.

Joe Biden on Tuesday for the first time addressed an insinuation by Donald Trump Jr., in the guise of a joke, that he was an abuser of children. “It’s sick,” Biden said during  a Yahoo News virtual town hall . “It’s sick. But he is his father’s son.” Nancy Pelosi used used Dotard’s use of Hydroxychloroquine to remind us, ‘Its dangerous for him, because he’s morbidly obese’, which is true. NOBODY believes he is 239 lbs, when 240 is the cutoff for being morbidly obese, except maybe some of the gullible, ignorant sheep, who don’t have a clue.