Wow, who ya gonna believe?

The World Health Organization announced on Monday that it's suspending a trial of hydroxychloroquine in treating COVID-19, saying fears of the drug's potential danger outweighs it’s potential benefits.

The World Health Org says hydrochloroquine is too dangerous to even continue to test, citing a study by British doctors, with over 90,000 participants, many who developed health problems, some dying, while the drug showed ZERO curative or preventative properties.
BUT, Dotard says to go for it, ‘what do you have to lose?’

Wow, tough choice, but I bet the ignorant, gullible sheep go with Dotard.
And I hope a BUNCH of them take a BUNCH of it.
Oh, and BTW, why don’t you brainiacs inject a bunch of disinfectant while you’re at it, like the Russian backed, Pathological LIAR/conman suggests....
They ain’t known for their smarts, obviously, and we’ll be better off without ‘em.


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