Trying to 'lighten up'

In an effort to elevate the mood around here, I was looking for a good memory and came across this one. While we were staying near the marina in Amalfi, this beautiful sailing ship docked near our hotel room one day/night. It is a classic wooden, double masted home on the sea. A couple days later we took a ferry to Positano, and there she was again. What a life, sailing the Mediterranean, and beyond, living on board your own private schooner. I have no idea how much a ship like that would cost, but I'm gonna research it. I need more adventure in my life, and I can't think of a better one at the moment. By the way, Sophie, is no better, but no worse, either. Just kinda hangin' in there. If there is a "one percenter", who can beat this thing, it would be her. She's a feisty little thing....


Anonymous said…
Glad to hear that Sophie is hanging in there - we are certainly pulling for that sweet cat.

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