Anal/cranial inversion
Anyone who's paying attention, which excludes many of you, can see that a BIPARTISAN group admits that Bush's Iraq policy is a total disaster. Who could have seen this coming? Anyone with a brain, that's who. Again, a major exclusion. Will this cowboy idiot admit his policy, which is basically a financial opportunity for his supporters, including big oil, Haliburton, Bechtel, General Dynamics, and many others, supported by the conservative right wing, who look upon this as a "Holy War", admit he is totally wrong? I doubt it. His spin meisters will find some new slogan, to replace "stay the course" and blame it on Bill Clinton. What will it take for his hard core supporters to admit they were wrong? Prob'ly won't happen. We've seen it all before. There are those out there with severe anal/cranial inversions, who have their heads so firmly implanted up their asses, that no amount of truth/ facts will cause them to attempt an extrication. Just remember, willful ignorance is not a justifiable excuse....