Anal/cranial inversion

Anyone who's paying attention, which excludes many of you, can see that a BIPARTISAN group admits that Bush's Iraq policy is a total disaster. Who could have seen this coming? Anyone with a brain, that's who. Again, a major exclusion. Will this cowboy idiot admit his policy, which is basically a financial opportunity for his supporters, including big oil, Haliburton, Bechtel, General Dynamics, and many others, supported by the conservative right wing, who look upon this as a "Holy War", admit he is totally wrong? I doubt it. His spin meisters will find some new slogan, to replace "stay the course" and blame it on Bill Clinton. What will it take for his hard core supporters to admit they were wrong? Prob'ly won't happen. We've seen it all before. There are those out there with severe anal/cranial inversions, who have their heads so firmly implanted up their asses, that no amount of truth/ facts will cause them to attempt an extrication. Just remember, willful ignorance is not a justifiable excuse....


Anonymous said…
I just heard about this on the radio this morning, though I've kind of been following the progress of the bipartisan group. I'm pissed, but even that such a group exists to evaluate this godawful mess gives me a bit of hope for the future. Though we are so entangled over there that getting out seems impossible, at least we are making some positive steps and (I hope) regaining some respect from the rest of the world.
Fam Guy said…
It's gonna take awhile, but hopefully it's starting. What's gonna take a LONG time is for your generation to pay the bills for this godawful mess.
Paula said…
You should realize that you are a "hard core supporter" of the opposite party, and likewise have your head up your ass when it comes to seeing another perspective. Calling the president a "cowboy idiot" is evidence of this... why don't you try a little harder to see where he's been coming from. Just suppose he's an intelligent man with good intentions, and try to argue logically against his position. That would be a better place to start!
Fam Guy said…
Well, Paula, whoever you are, you are wrong calling me a "hard core supporter" of the opposite party. I am more of a "hard core detractor" of a totally failed policy. And, cowboy idiot is one of the nicer names this jerk should be called. "An intelligent man with good intentions,"? I don't know which half of that statement is more laughable. AS far as logical arguements, just look at Iraq, and tell the good part of it. A disaster based on lies. Where do you get your info? Gotta be a Fox network fan.
Fam Guy said…
Hey Paula, you look at all my statements and the only one you can disagree with is "cowboy idiot"? I AM arguing logically against his postion. Show me where I'm wrong on ANY of them, and I will reconsider. Until then, take a look at reality and the mess he got us into.

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