BBQ Anyone?

We got hammered by the gnarliest snowstorm I've seen in years. It started snowing yesterday morning about 8 and didn't stop 'til about 9 this morning. The whole area is shut down. No newspaper, no mail, no airport and no malls. The Boulder Turnpike is a giant parking lot, with four lanes of bumper to bumper traffic, stretching for miles. Supposedly, the people got out of the cars and into shelters. Gonna be a mess for quite awhile. Boulder officially got 30-33 inches, but we have a little less. Glad we don't HAVE to go out today, 'cause it's gonna be some time before the roads are open. Looks like a movie/game day, with occaisional shoveling/exercise. Could be worse. Ted made it up, after a 4+ hour drive and brought Bella, so we got that going for us. Sophie continues to get weaker, but no less cute....


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