I love a good book,

but my last one wasn't that great. Finally gave up on "Stranger in a Strange Land." Got 2/3 thru it and realized it was boring, and there's too much good stuff out there to be bored. Went to library and got "Atlas Shrugged" 'cause it was highly recommended by many, including the librarian. However, as I was checking it out, all 1200 pages (it better be good), she told me they had gotten in the new Nelson DeMille (currently my favorite author) book, which I was on the waitig list for. SOOOO, I now have a lot of quality (I hope) literature to read. Speaking of expectations, today's Bush quote, from Air Force One on 6-4-2003. " I'm the master of low expectations." Sometimes it's hard to argue with his logic.


Anonymous said…
I am glad you got Atlas Shrugged. I am actually reading it again. I 1st read it when I was 19 and never forgot it. Hang in there, the 1200 pages are worth it, in my opinion! Plus you have to find out the answer to the ? Who is John Galt?
Anonymous said…
Yay! Atlas Shrugged...you're gonna love it.
The Wanderer said…
oh yeah, the master...LOL.

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