YAHOO!! Song of the Year!

Dixie Chicks. "IN YOUR FACE, Bush". "Not Ready to Make Nice" is the 'Song of the Year.' Listen to the words... Wish I could see Dubya's face. No, take that back. Can't stand to look at him. Could it be any more clear? Texas girls, ashamed of their native son, and get their industry's HIGHEST award. You Go Girls!! Gnarls Barkley came on after them and did a MUCH better song, and the Chili Peppers have a much better album, BUT, everyone wanted to say," ---- You Bush", and the message came across, loud and clear. I am SO GLAD, I am not alone...P.S. They also got Country Album of the Year. And this is from 'Country', voters. .... P.S.S. Album of the Year. Who'd a thunk, 3 years ago, this country would finally wake up. Guess there is hope for us...


Anonymous said…
Gotta love the Dixie Chicks!

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