Excuse me,

if it seems like I'm bragging, but maybe I am. If you read me at all, you know I had a GREAT time at the reunion. Seeing old buddies, and showing off my beautiful wife. 'Twas a fantastic time, and loved the golf and everything. One of only two people to get appplause, at program, (Cause of that game winning shot) But just realized, my two cart partners, for the two golf tourneys, were; Tom Heller, best man at my wedding, and the ONLY guy from Kearney to ever be World Herald (biggest newspaper in Nebr.) Athlete of the Year, All-State Everything, (could tell you LOTS of stories), and 2nd day, Scott Nelson, the guy who put the whole thing together. Was honored by my friends. Good times......(Again, sorry for pride, but when you get old like me, you look back on the Good Times)


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