One of the low points

in George's War, had to be Abu Graib, where detainees, many turned in for the $5000 cash reward, were humiliated and tortured. Cheney, Rumsfeld and Bush, overturning the Geneva Convention rules, stated torure was OK, but ONLY if traditional methods didn't work. Once the pictures and accounts of the treatment of prisoners at Abu G were released, further inflaming anti-American sentiment around the world, we were assured those responsible would be held accountable. Well, yesterday, the ONLY offficer charged with a crime was sentenced. Reservist Stephen Jordan received a REPRIMAND, not for torturing detainees, but for disobeying an order to keep silent during the investigation. Sorta shows, in a nutshell, what W and his crew is all about. In the meantime, an investigation is being begun into the no-bid contracts awarded to 'friends of the administration' in King George's War. Should be interesting...


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