Fantastic video,

of an interview with Cheney, on the web right now. He lays out, with surprising accuracy, why we SHOULDN'T invade Iraq. He claims the world wouldn't support us, and, among other things, that Iraq would spiral out of countrol, with all the different factions fighting each other. He states it would be too large an order for us to try to maintain order after such an invasion, and the Arab world would never forgive us. For once, this puppet of the oil industry was right. Only problem, the interview was after Desert Storm, when Bush senior refused to invade Iraq, citing many well thought out reasons. Seems W is much smarter though. He realized we would be greeted with flowers in the streets and worshipped as liberators. OOPS. Jeez, who could have seen this mess coming? Anyone with a brain that's who. That leaves out W and his ilk. Oh well, only 508 more days and this cowboy clown gets put out to pasture where he belongs. Just can't come soon enough....


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