Bush's earpiece

As I watched Bush answer questions after he spoke this morning, I realized, again, how obvious it is that this guy is being prompted by his earpiece. He says 8 words, waits, says 8 or 9 more, and pauses. Sooo, curious guy that I am, I Googled 'Bush earpiece', as I had before, to get a clip for my blog. What was interesting, to me, MANY of the clips that used to be there, showing Bush OBVIOUSLY relying on his prompter, and some real embarassing gaffs, had been removed. Yes, REMOVED (Including my favorite one, where Bush touches his ear, looks to the side and says to no one, "No, let me finish, I can answer that"). No explanation, on several clips, just a label saying, "This clip removed". HUH? Who removed them. There are still some there. But not nearly as many as there were. I wonder what's going on????


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