Don't be too sure,

that just because Bush has so royally screwed things up, that the Dems can win the White House.
Anyone who thinks the Democrats are a lock to win in November has somehow forgotten about Karl Rove, the right-wing radio network, the hanging chads of 2000, the Swift boat debacle, the intimidation of black voters in Florida, the long lines of Democratic voters standing forlornly in the rain in Ohio, the easily programmable Diebold voting machines, and on and on. When you consider the power, and therefore the $$$ involved, you can see why it's gonna be such a fight. Without such manipulation, we never would have had Bush, act 2, but we got him. So, beware...


Anonymous said…
As an Ohio resident, many of us have been trying, in vain I might add, to rid ourselves of the troublesome Diebold voting machines. As for our immediate family, we vote absentee ballot to assure our votes will be counted. If more voters would do this, possibly the system would get changed. Every community in this nation needs to step forward on election day and go to the polling places and let your voices be heard. CHANGE is word to be HEARD. It took a Democrat to clean up the mess the first Bush made; it's going to take a Democrat to clean up the mess from the second Bush. I'm neither Republican or Democrat.I've always voted for the person I feel is right for the job as President. The Republicans have made a total mockery of the freedoms we as citizens have, for over 200 years, worked to insure for our country. It's about time we, the people take back what we own.
Anonymous said…
Of Senator John McCain, you Republicans might want to listen up: Of late His Honesty has been flip-flopping all over the campaign trail. Ed Morrissey of the Captain's Quarters blog spoke of benchmarks in a newspaper interview a year ago on withdrawls from Iraq. "McCain said Thursday that he hadn't yet decided on precise benchmarks. 'They'd have to be specific, and they [Iraqi government officials] would have meet them,' he said. Asked what penalty would be imposed if Iraq failed to meet his benchmarks, he said: 'I think everybody knows the consequences. Haven't met the benchmarks? Obviously, then, we're not able to complete the mission. Then you have to examine your options.'"
"I don't change my positions depending on what year it is or what office I'm seeking," Mr. McCain has boasted. Yet in the Ca. debate, he was forced to admit that he no longer supports the immigration legislation he himself proposed last year. He also voted against the Bush tax cuts(thought they were too nice to the rich) but now wishes to make them permanent. His huge flip-flops leave him with a huge H (for hypocrite) on his forehead, however in the last few weeks as he has been winning, his love of country has been riding in tandem with a signally unattractive love of self.
Anonymous said…
Very true. Please everyone just remember to VOTE, VOTE, VOTE!!!
Anonymous said…
Of John McCain's health care program,the Arizona senator is fairly representative of the right wing. He believes the road to health care reform "does not lead through Washington and a hugely expensive, bureaucratic, government-controlled system." He is in favor of low-cost health clinics in retail stores and calls for emphasis on preventive care. He supports tax-exempt health savings accounts and tax credits to help people pay for insurance, even though many of the people who need help don't pay enough in taxes to take advantage of such benefits.

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