You know, I just had an original thought
While trying to refute those who claim the Bible is 100% literal and infallible, one of my favorite contententions is that there is 'no way' Noah's arc actually happened. I mean, the fact that there is NO evidence, in geology, of a world wide flood, the many animals, etc, in areas that were never connected to Mt Arrarat by a land bridge, and who CAN'T SWIM. The fact that if it was salt water used to do the flooding all fresh water fish would have died, and vice versa. The sheer, impossible size the arc would have had to have been to contain all those animals, birds, reptiles, bugs, etc, and all the FOOD they would have needed, and so on. BUT, an argument I have never heard, but would like to put out there, IS. Let's say it is all true, and 40 days later the arc finds a piece of dry ground, a total stretch, I think, but go with me. OK, THEN what does everything eat?? Water would have detroyed all the grass for the grass eaters and all the animals for the carnivores and bugs and stuff for the birds. How long does it take for everything to grow again? Think about it folks, then give me a break on the Noah's arc story being real. Not that it will deter the "true believers". Facts never do....