I never cease to be amazed,

at how the right wing can look at 'what is', and totally change the perception of 'what is'. They totally forget, or want us to forget, how we got here. We find ourselves in dire straits, because of 8 years of Republican/George Bush leadership. And they complain about the fire dept wasting too much water on the fire they started. That is REAL, no matter how they try to muddy the waters. These clowns would have us look past the problems they caused, and focus on their sniping at someone trying to fix them. They never change. They cheated and lied and started a war we couldn't win, so some of them could prosper, and in the process squandered America's standing in the world. PLEASE show me where I'm wrong. Whatever, some things never change. Let's just hope, as a nation, we can survive their greedy ambition.


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