Am curious,

what others think about the 'recovery', in our economy. I think it is wishful thinking, and things look bad, for the future. Others think we are on our way out of this downturn. What you think? Let me know. We going up, or down? Anonymous is OK....


ladyj said…
When the richest 1% in this United States are making more money than 95% of the rest of the population, something is terribly wrong. When the state of Michigan has 15% unemployment, something is terribly wrong. When the state of Georgia, after having so much flooding, cannot fiancially assist its own state because it it broke, something is terribly wrong. When the Insurance Companies are paying a billion dollars a day to fight the Healthcare reform, something is terribly wrong. When Lobbyists and Special Interest Groups control Congress and Democracy is a word unknown to most Senators and House members , something is horribly wrong in America. When every 7 seconds a home is being foreclosed, folks we have a huge problem! Do I believe our country is in recovery? Absolutely NOT! How many states have above 9% unemployment, right now?
Deb said…
I live in Michigan and things aren't good. People are still getting laid off. My husband, who works in an auto related industry, watched 40 more people lose their jobs 2 weeks ago. Houses aren't selling so even if you could get a job in another state you couldn't sell your home. We need new jobs here as I don't think the auto industry will ever recover to where it was and people need to go back to work before this economy will ever turn around. Everything rests on that. Without a job people won't support the economy. With jobs in jeopardy people will hold on to what money they have as long as they can, just in case. We've adjusted our lifestyle where we can and try to conserve, reuse, simplify, whatever we can to save.
Anonymous said…
Our economy is financed by taxes, from people spending. Most people are spending only on necessities. The tax base is going down while those who need help from it are increasing. A downward spiral.

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