If you crashed a car,

into a concrete wall, while driving drunk, would you blame the mechanic because he couldn't fix it overnight? Probably not, but then you aren't the average Repub who can't figure out why the Dems can't fix the mess they left. This is SO obvious, to even those with average intelligence, which leaves out the OReilly/Beck crowd, that it shouldn't even have to be discussed. BUT, that crowd likes to blame this economic mess on the 'mechanic' who was left with the wrecked car. Duh. Probably WAY too complicated for the average Sarah Palin fan....


Anonymous said…
Good analogy
Anonymous said…
Why can't they see this?
Anonymous said…
Above average IQ= automatic exclusion from Reblican Party.
Anonymous said…
If you had to pass an IQ test to vote, the Republicans couldnt elect a dogcatcher.

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