Calling for Rush Limbaugh

to be horse-whipped, Roger Ebert echoed the sentiments of most of us. I know there's a 'lunatic fringe' that supports those of his ilk, BUT, the fact that millions share my sentiments brings a money making plan to mind. If you could somehow sell lottery tickets, with the winner wielding the whip, you could pay to rebuild Haiti. Think of it. Pay per view for the actual event, as his fat ass was laid bare to the lash. 'Twould dwarf Super Bowl numbers. Alas, I can only dream...


Ranny said…
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Ranny said…
You guys need not say a thing....I can see he is wearing my Florida outfit
Fam Guy said…
Yup, you guys are are both, HOT.
ladyj said…
...And on the 8th day God created land whales and He named them Rush Limbaugh. And God breathed stupidity into the mouth of these land whales named Rush Limbaugh and these Rush Limbaugh spat out Pat Robertson,with stupidity and Lo they called themselves CONSERVATIVES and yet they were stupid and Lo they did multiply and become Republican and the Angels did rend their garments.

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