Carol made the announcement, today

'Take this job and shove it, I ain't workin' here no more", or something like that. She officially told Mike, at the State Farm office, that she'd had enough fun, and was retiring. He took it fairly well, I guess, and is trying to get as many weeks 'notice', as he can. Anyway, we decided we don't have that many good years left, so we wanted to do some travel, and stuff, and it became it bit more 'real' today, since Carol made her announcement at work. Will see how it goes, but if I turn up missing, I recommend looking for my body, in Carol's flower beds.


Ranny said…
Give Carol a big congrats for me, see you in Florida
Fam Guy said…
Sounds good to me. I could use some company in your U-Haul truck.
ladyj said…
Which end up?
ellebee said…
Yay Carol! I'm so glad for her, and for you both. I'm sure you'll take some amazing trips, starting with Mexico. :)

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