As I clicked thru the channels,

this morning, trying to wake up, I came across Martha on FOXNews interviewing an expert on oil drilling rigs. The whole gist of the piece was that she was implying that it looked like 'sabotage' from left wing libs, in blowing up a rig, just as Obama OK'd limited offshore drilling. 'Twas funny as she led him, trying to get an answer she could twist. He basically said, 'Impossible', and she said 'looks like it could be'. Typical FOX bullshit.


ladyj said…
Oh plueeez! Fox BS trying to make a tempest in a teapot once again. Yes, I am sure Terrorists in the name of Allah, blew up that rig. Yup, and I'm built like Carmen Diaz!
Fam Guy said…
Saw FOX again tonight, and the whole show was about how this latest disaster was gonna fuel the tree huggers and allow them to bash the oil co's, like the financial industry is being bashed, just cause they tanked the economy. Fox IS consistent, with their BS...

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