Funerals are,

a chance to confront something we really don't want to face. We are mortal. Wow. It hits you right in the gut. So many thoughts and memories that turn into tears. I shoulda/woulda/coulda, done some stuff, but I didn't. Matt had a msg right at me. Just cause you don't know what to do, or how to say it, doesn't mean you shouldn't say/do something. I am guilty. That's me. I did learn a life lesson. Am sure it's not gonna be the last funeral where I wish I would have been a better person, but am hoping I learned something. Make the effort. Reach out and let those you love, know they are loved. Basic life lesson...


ladyj said…
Stevo...just cuz you didn't say it, doesn't mean the dearly departed don't feel it, know it, sense it, aren't there, because they are with us every minute of every day. There is no such word as goodbye on the otherside. There is no death, except of the body.
When I go. I want folks to have a party, not a funeral. Celebrate the fact that I have gone Home, because I certainly will have. This earth is just a stopping off point in life's journey.
Fam Guy said…
I do so hope you are right, lady.
Cyndi said…
We are like butterflies who flutter for a day and think it is forever!

Carl Sagan

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