Great article on AOL,

about the price of gas and energy. Does anyone remember the price of a gallon of gas before G W Bush? Was about $1.25/gal. No shit. That was before Bush/Cheney and their agenda. The largest transfer of wealth in the history of our country. We, as a society have gotten used to it, after they took it to over $4.00/gal, THEN, backed off to more than DOUBLE the price, we paid before Bush/Cheney, the energy guys. Think about it. It's BILLIONS of dollars for the Big Oil guys. Every time you fill up, thank W and Cheney, for paying TWICE what you used to pay. BILLIONS of $$$'s, that go into the Big Oil pockets, and kill our economy. Thanks, George, and your Repub cohorts, for wrecking our country, to make your contributors VERY rich. Please, show me where I'm wrong.


Anonymous said…
Right on, Famguy. If you doubt, just Google a chart for the price of oil compared to Bush presidency. He killed us.
ladyj said…
you don't think OPEC has anything to do with it and the fact that the Saudi Price and the Bush family are as tight a Pat's hat band??? Couldn't possibly be,eh?
Steve said…
This is so much B.S. that I just can't believe a mature thinking adult buys into this. Baa, says the sheep.
Fam Guy said…
Yeah, Steve, just a coincidence that Bush/Cheney get into power, and the price of oil goes from approx $22, to over $140/bbl, after they attack the oil basket of the world, based on TOTAL lies. Pull your head out of your wooly ass and get a clue.

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