There was a time,

that there was a clear distinction between news, such as ABC, NBC, CBS, etc., and political programming. There was also CNN, as we all watched the first gulf war, who became the 'go to' news network, on an international basis. THEN, out of nowhere, came a 'bought and paid for' network, from the Repub party, with Rupert Murdoch money, and a whole different slant on 'the news'. TV news has never been the same. Instead of just reporting the facts, it has been 'politicized', with a slant, and those who don't have the time or inclination to compare, have been given an alternative to reality. Once you agree, philosophically, to get your news, from your political party, it's over. There has never been political money 'better spent', than to create an alternative to real news. Once you can convince the sheep, NOT to believe the 90% of real news out there, you have won the war, and can replace with it with FOXNews, instead. Repeat a lie, often enough, and it becomes truth, for the 'sound bite' masses. Sad, but true. Money can buy public opinion, and the sheep eat it up. It just makes me SICK, to see what has happened to 'news', in America.


ladyj said…
Unfortunately that is the way it goes in politics, religion, art, media....the list goes on. Is there right and wrong, or is it all a shade of gray?
"Fair & Balanced" states FoxNews, but to whom? Only to those who honestly believe the vemon they spew.
Buy as much "truth" as you want. Whitewash it, camouflage it, tie it in a pretty ribbon. It will be Bolvine Defecation, none the less.

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