As speaker John Bonehead says,

'Read my lips, we're gonna cut spending', does anyone else see the irony/humor, on several levels, in his statement? First, the Repubs are the ones who took a surplus, in 2000, and ramped up spending to the biggest deficit EVER, not even counting the 'off the books' funding for the 'oops, bad info' wars they started, AND, most of the spending they scream about now is being done to try to save the economy that they 'trashed' on SO many levels, AND, the last time someone said 'Read my lips', it was GHWBush, who broke his promise of 'read my lips, no new taxes' as soon as he was elected. These clowns would be funny, if it weren't so sad and scary.


Anonymous said…
Not fair! You use our own words againt us. God will punish you.
Fam Guy said…
IF the Repubs hadn't wrecked our economy, we could maybe believe a word they said, BUT, they broke it, and they own it. If you believe differently, put your money where your mouth is, and you deserve to lose your ass. It's called the 'real world', which some of you won't understand.

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