There's a whole lot of things,

in the political world, that REALLY piss me off, but a couple of the worst are the subsidies paid to the oil companies, (oil depletion allowance), as they make record profits, and the ethanol subsidies, to make ethanol, which takes way more energy to create than it produces. PLUS, it wastes a bunch of water, and drives up the price of nearly all food products, as farmers get gov't $ to produce corn for ethanol, instead of growing food. BUT, it keeps the Repub states 'in the fold'. Midwest farmers and Texas oil men love it, as it sucks discretionary spending $ out of the economy. Screw the nat'l interest, they're making big money. Sacred cows, that the Repubs won't touch, while they cut school lunches and health care. Sickening, when you look at the consequences of the politicians that are only interested in being re-elected, instead of protecting the future of our country.


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