Had taken a break,

from FOXNews the last few months, because of their continual distortions and constant propaganda of, 'Dems bad, Repubs good', ALL the time. It just pisses me off, when I think of the millions of people who get their 'news' from them, BUT, sometimes it was the only English information, (and weather) we could get from the USA. Was interesting to see their spin, then compare it to Rueters or the BBC, which also had some news of the world. Basically, the Brits poke fun at the Repubs, as they clamor for 'jobs'. but fight every program, like highspeed rail, or green energy or 'whatever' Obama does. Like the Brit anchorman said, 'they broke it, (the economy), but they fight every effort to fix it'. Met and spoke w/many couples from around the world, incl England, Wales, Italy, Sweden, Germany and many Canadians, among others. Bush is equally hated and jeered, (or both) as people realize how 'the cowboy' wrecked our economy, and much of the world's, and once they realize you agree with them, they are much more friendly. Nothing new there, but was good to see my views confirmed by fellow world travelers. I have noticed that you don't encounter many FOXNews couch potatoes when you actually get out and travel the world. Just the opposite....


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