How tough is it,

to be a Repub candidate this year? Their main guy did good health care, in his state, and now has to pretend it was all wrong. They have always wanted more war, but the people are sick of it, so they gotta change positions. They wrecked the economy, with huge spending, but now are preaching austerity, and gotta pretend GWBush didn't exist. They preach against socialism, but give huge tax breaks and subsidies to banks, big oil and big agriculture. They've always hated minorities, who are becoming a huge voting base, along with women, who they disrespect at every turn. WTF? How can these clowns remember what they're supposed to say each day? Should be interesting, and funny, to watch 'em twisting in the wind, as they try to appeal to the FOXNews faithful, who don't have a clue.


ladyj said…
And who, pray tell, with clowns to left of us and jokers to right, would you select as the one true leader of this nation of ours?
Fam Guy said…
Good song reference. Maybe Ron Paul?
ladyj said…
Thanks, I knew you'd appreciate that. It was the photo that prompted me.
Ron Paul, eh? Don't think he has a ghost of a chance...too honest to win.

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