If you ever wondered,

how the gov't really works, just realize that the 'Pentagon Papers', which explains how we got dragged into Viet Nam, with the same type of lies that got us into Iraq, FINALLY got released, 40 years later. Daniel Ellsberg, and several others, risked it all, for public disclosure, as Nixon and his Repub buds took us deeper into the quagmire of Viet Nam, where nearly 60,000 of my generation were killed, and millions of lives disrupted, for NOTHING, other than to profit the military/industrial complex. The worst thing? We thought it could never happen again. HA! GWBush and the Repubs did it again. An unwinnable war, on the other side of the world, with cannon fodder made up of young Americans and the locals. Same old shit. It'll probably happen again, 40 years later, when the Repubs have power again. Makes me sick, when I realize how many people don't realize how the 'real world' works, when the Repubs are in charge.


ladyj said…
Do you realize how far back the Viet Nam experience goes, Steve. Farther than Nixon, Johnson, Kennedy, Eisenhower for Pete's sake! We go back to Truman! And Truman was a Democrat, as was Kennedy and Johnson! You certainly can't blame it all on Nixon and the Republicans. This goes back to the 50's, maybe earlier. There are secrets that we'll never know about Viet Nam and Korea.
ladyj said…
We had our toe in Viet Nam back in 1945 when the French were trying to keep ahold of it. We became involved in 1950 and escalated in 1960 with troops. we tripled the troops in '61 and '62. The TET offensive was in 1968 and the US left in 1973, gaining nothing , but losing so many soldiers in the process of freeing a country of communism
Fam Guy said…
There's a HUGE difference between having advisors in a country, and committing hundreds of thousand of (drafted) troops to a full scale war. There's lots of evidence, and I believe, that JFK was killed mainly because he was gonna scale back the war in Nam. The time I'm talking about, mid-60's to early 70's was Nixon ramping it up and the country being split, for or against. It turns out the US military got it's ass kicked, as they bailed out of Saigon, in helicopters, and it was all a huge waste. That's a fact of history.

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