George WAS good at something,

no matter what I have previously said.

It could be the heist of the century. As much as $6.6 billion of Bush-era Iraq reconstruction cash remains unaccounted for and may have been stolen, a congressional auditor told the Los Angeles Times, today.
Stuart Bowen, the special inspector general for Iraq reconstruction, said the missing money could be “the largest theft of funds in national history.”The cash was flown to Iraq in C-130 Hercules cargo planes. About $2.4 billion in U.S. currency could fit on each cargo plane.

Wow, I am shocked, that the Bushies 'lost' 3 giant airplanes loaded with pallets of hundred dollar bills, wrapped in 'football' sized packages. Move over Jesse James and John Dillinger, and let the Bushies show you how it's done. And we thought it was bad when GHWBush, with his son Neil, looted the Saving and Loans for hundreds of millions. Rank amateurs, compared to W.

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