FOXNews is screaming,

that Bill O'Reilly, according to a poll, is the most trusted man on TV news. Oh REALLY?  And who did this important poll?  Well, that would be Suffolk University. What? You haven't heard of them either.  Who cares, if you're FOXNews, the bullshit capitol of the world, you broadcast what you want the sheep to hear, and the sheep love to hear crap like that. 
This just in, thanks, lady.

The poll gave 5 choices for liberal news sources, plus all the mainstream, and listed one con network, FOX, which got 28%of the total. Typical FOX bullshit.
See it here,


Anonymous said…
Suffolk Univ is a conservative bastion in Boston.
ladyj said…
I'd say FOXNEWS and what was it, oh yes, Suffolk U should sit on their collective Conservative thumbs and rotate.

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