Is kinda funny(?),

how being sick takes all the fight outa me. Normally, I'd be all fired-up as this (semi)artificial crisis descends on us as the nation is held hostage, primarily, by a bunch of freshman, Repub, Tea-party Congressmen. BUT, it seems that if it weren't this crisis, it'd just be another, equally serious one, as our once proud country is slowly rolling down a hill, gaining momentum, after Bush totally wrecked us. As we continue to descend into the pit, it may well be dawning on even the 'slowest' out there, that he did some real, long term damage. NO, not really, the only ones that don't realize it are the FOXNews disciples and reality has never been one of their strong points. To them, it's all the fault of the guy who was left to clean up the mess, as the mess-makers finally grow a spine and decide to become fiscally reasponsible, at exactly the wrong time.


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