From Dave Hardy's column

FYI, the column below is from The Guardian, a U.K. newspaper. A recently-published academic study of thousands of subjects over multiple decades – in which the subjects’ IQs were measured when they were in their early teens – and then twenty or thirty years later these same subjects were interviewed in depth about their political views.
 Yeah, you can smell it coming, right? The higher the IQs of the kids – the more likely they were to be political liberals as adults. The “dumb kids”……? Yep, most of them grew up to be conservatives.
As the author notes below, this is a trend – not an ironclad rule. There are a few highly literate and thoughtful conservatives (but I’m having a hard time coming up with some good examples) – just as there are a few simpletons who parrot leftist talking points. But according to this study (and many others like it over the years) – the trend is very broad and statistically solid as a rock.
So though it may not be polite to bring this up – we know from our daily observations that it’s true. Which political party denies global warming, disdains scientific analysis, trolls the “bottom of the bucket” for bigots and religious fanatics to construct it’s “base” and delights in labeling anyone who knows anything about foreign countries or can speak a foreign language as “elitists”? Obviously, it's the right-wing conservatives. Anyone surprised?
George Monbiot is the author of the bestselling books The Age of Consent: A Manifesto for a New World Order and Captive State: The Corporate Takeover of Britain.


Fam Guy said…
See, I'm not the only one who writes/thinks this stuff.

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