As you may, or may not know,

I love sports, and if I can't play, I like to watch. The Master's today, was 'off the chart', and my fav, Adam Scott, won it in extra holes. Then, we watched the final inning in the Rockies game, as they beat the Padres, in the last inning. Now, we're watching the Nuggets beat Portland, although we may have lost Kevin Faried (probably the best 'leaper' in the NBA), for a long time, with a badly sprained ankle. From prior experience, NOTHING hurts like a sprained ankle. On a pain scale of 1-10, it's a 10, BUT, it makes normal pain, kinda bearable by comparison. I really like our new TV system, where we can record a BUNCH of stuff, and watch it at our convenience, with no commercials. Kinda dangerous, when looking at 'recliner time', but hey, it's Sunday afternoon, and now we got 'Game of Thrones'. Wow...


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