I was gonna

invest, (gamble)  in 'Bitcoins' last week, (after considerable research) and spent about 15 minutes setting up an account, cuz it seemed like a good idea, although they had already 'run up', quite a bit. I gave them all the information they reuqired, which was a LOT, but balked when I needed to scan my driver's license, or passport, as the final requirement. They said this was necessary to prevent fraud, which makes sense, but I didn't want to do it. At the time, a 'bitcoin' was trading at $89.00. If you don't know what a bitcoint is, just Google it, (or https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Main_Page), but it is basically web-based, electronic worldwide currency (but NO phsical bills or coins) that is continually offered at a 'bid/ask' price, and transactions are performed instantaneously.  In my case I would be dealing in dollars, but nearly all curencies are allowed, as long as there is a buyer and seller at an agreed upon exchange rate. Today, that $89 bitcoin is trading at over $140. Time will tell, but seems pretty interesting...


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