In an article today, that proves

they just don't get it, one of the Repub's star 'propagandizers', Charles Krauthammer wrote that GWBush could be summed up in one sentence. 'He kept us safe'. WTF???? It was on his watch, after his defense/security agencies ignored several warnings that ' Bin Laden determined to attack US', that we had the WORST attack in US history. Then, after GW/Cheney attacked the Afgans, that had 3 of the terrorists, and ignoring the 15 from Saudi Arabia, he attacked Iraq, based on lies about WMD's. The subsequent 10+ year war, ruined world opinion toward the US, severely damaged our military and created thousands of new terrorists who are plotting even now, to get even. PLUS, he created a two-headed Frankenstein-type monster, the TSA and DHS, that eats money at a rate only exceeded by his bloated military build up. Throw in the $$ sucked out of the economy by his Big Oil policies, for his buddies, that took oil from $15 to $147/ barrel, and his de-regulation of financial markets that caused the huge mortgage mess, and you can see why our economy CRASHED in his final years. 'Kept us Safe?', while wrecking our country? Krauthammer proves again that 'they' just don't get it, concerning what it takes to keep a country 'safe'.


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