In the insane, bizarro world

of FOXNews, they are the 'only' ones who criticize the prez, BUT, they also praise him when he does good. Are you kidding me? Does ANYONE actually believe the crap they spew? After the White House again singled out FOX, for their continual propaganda, they responded.
"The reason that's happening," O'Reilly explained, "is that we stand alone here in FNC in our bringing skepticism to the president. We tell the folks when he does something right, and then when he does something wrong, we say that."
Wow, I don't know which part of that statement is the worst, but it is typical FOX. Total and complete bullshit. I could give a hundred examples of the 'real' media criticizing the pres for every ONE time, (did it ever happen?) FOX gave him a good review. Fair and Balanced, my ass.... The worst part? Some people actually get their 'news' from these clowns.


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