We all look at, and believe

(or disbelieve) recent history based on our own experiences. Am watching 'Ali' on HBO, as Will Smith did a fantastic job, (esp on developing his body), in the role of Cassius Clay, who was the World Heavyweight Champion, BUT, told the US gov't to 'no way', and said he'd go to jail rather than going to fight in Viet Nam, when he got drafted. I grew up (or rather graduated high school) during the same era, watching friends get killed/wounded in Viet Nam, in a war that the gov't lied about to start ( we weren't attacked in the Gulf of Tonkin), to get the war they wanted to make a bunch of money, for the 'defense' contractors, and keep the military busy. The 'draft' was in full swing, based on 'God and Country', and I developed longstanding opinions on both, as they'd send us to jail for a LONG time, if we were caught with pot, or didn't wanna fight their war. At least we thought it couldn't happen again. HA! Bush/Cheney did the same thing, with a war based on lies, for the profit of a few, at the expense and suffering of many. Bottom line, some things never change, from the beginning of time. Those in power send soldiers to suffer and die (and kill) for profit. The only question is, 'How can people not see what is SO obvious?' Oh yeah. They believe FOX. and the Pubs. One and the same...


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