Wow, the Pubs finally have a REAL scandal,

after their nonstop witchhunt on Benghazi, which has consumed FOXNews and their minions for the last 8 months. After the serious, easily provable crimes of the Bush admin, it seemed like charging a pedestrian with jaywalking while ignoring a mass murderer with an AK-47, BUT, it was all they had and they were on it like a starving mutt on a bowl of Alpo. Now they have a real bone to chew on, with the IRS supposedly targeting the 'grassroots' Teaparty (R), formed and financed with Koch Bros money. In the Pubs mind's, fighting back just isn't fair. Now, the crew that wrecked the economy and who's fighting every effort to fix it can finally get some traction, screaming about the IRS, cuz it seems they actually have a legitimate complaint, and just maybe they'll lighten up a bit about the disaster that happened after they voted to cut embassy security? Naw, they're just getting started, as they avoid the REAL problems that face our country and future.


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