An inconvenient truth,

for the party of NO.

President Barack Obama took a swipe at his former rival Mitt Romney on Friday, saying Obamacare was actually the former Massachusetts governor's idea.
"It used to be Republican idea. There was a Republican governor in Massachusetts who set it up. It's working real well," Obama said during a speech in Scranton, Pa.
On April 12, 2006 at a ceremony in Boston, Romney signed a law mandating that nearly every Massachusetts resident carry health insurance. Obama later cited that law as a model for his own health care reform plan.

Does this contradiction make any difference to party of hypocrites? Not at all. Their pretzel logic has one overriding theme. Be against EVERYTHING that come from the other side of the aisle. Nothing new here.
 PS. I saw an article on FOX, with a picture of Sarah Palin, and the title 'Stupidity on Steroids', and thought, FINALLY, some truth from the FOX crowd. But, it was the title of an artical BY her, not ABOUT her. Damn....


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