Surprise! FOXNews is totally WRONG,

as Bill O'Reily claimed, 'No Republicans or Conservatives were invited to the recent Martin Luther King events'.
What? O'Reilly just making stuff up, to support his line of crap? YUP!

Some had wondered why no Republicans appeared to be involved in commemorating the historic day. Though three Democratic presidents spoke at the event marking the moment, no Republicans did, and there were no other GOP officials who participated.
Answers were quickly given for this state of affairs. Both presidents Bush had bowed out of the event, citing health issues. Speaker of the House John Boehner and House Majority Leader Eric Cantor were both invited, but declined to attend. (Cantor had a meeting with oil lobbyists instead, and Boehner spoke at a Congressional event.) Jeb Bush and John McCain also declined. Moreover, every member of Congress was invited.

The Pubs were invited. They just didn't show up. And now FOX news(?) just 'makes it up', as they try to explain the lack of Pubs at the event. And, as usual, the sheep lap it up.


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