Fifty years after JFK's assassination,

there are still thousands of pages of 'classified' documents that remain sealed. In spite of continued attempts, under the 'Freedom of Information Act', the gov't refuses to release the relevant info on who shot JFK and why. Looking back on it, this was when I first realized that our gov't lies, when it is in their interest. Hopefully, before I die, we can find out the truth about what happened that day in Dallas, and the 'single gunman, no conspiracy' fiasco can be put to rest. In my mind, there is no doubt that the military-industrial complex was upset that Kennedy was going to end their very profitable war in Viet Nam and they conspired to make sure it didn't happen. Please, show me where I'm wrong. Do the right thing and release ALL the info, no matter how damning it is.
P.S. Over the years, it has been very interesting that for the most part, the same crowd that believes the 'Official Govt Version' of JFK's death, also believes in Noah's ark and thinks that FOXNews is a legitimate news organization. Not surprising, but sad, nonetheless, as the Pubs have a consistent audience that demands no critical thinking or a reasonable thought process. A perfect base, for their agenda that's killing the middle class, while fighting for the 1%.


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