It must be REALLY hard,

for the 'talent' at FOX to be against EVERYTHING Obama and the Dems do, while PRETENDING to be for the people, when it is SO obvious they are just shills for Big Money. Luckily for them, the sheep don't look real close at the facts, esp when they change their views, as per Romney's health care, which is just like Obama's, the immigration policy that is just like Bush's, NSA policy that IS Bush's, drone policy that is just what they advocated. They bitch about Obama's foreign policy, while overlooking Bush's 'Oops, No WMD's' and they freely give $$ to Big Ag, Big Banks, Big Oil, the 1%, while their policies destroy the middle class. They also say they defend the Constitution, which seperates church and state unless it is THEIR church, defend state's rights, UNTIL it is something they don't like, as in the over 80% of people that supported background checks for gun purchases, etc.  Like I said, it must be REAL hard, but then I remembere their target audience. Never mind......


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