In a nutshell,

an article by Charles Krauthammer in today's Denver Post showed the typical right-wing, Con mentality. After a somewhat logical rant about the difference in 'lexicography', or labels, Charles complained that Obama used the word extremists, rather than terrorists, and made several examples of word usage that differed between the parties, one who likes nothing better than an active war and one who would rather avoid it. Like most FOX News(?), it kinda made sense until he got to the punch line, when he ended it with, 'the wordplay is merely cover for lack of leadership. This is not leading from behind. This is not leading at all.'
WTF? Just because 'The Kraut', and his ilk don't like the leadership, which THANKFULLY is different than they would like, doesn't mean there isn't leadership. AND, it has put us on a steady path to recovery, while keeping us out of any new wars.
 Wow, if only we could get back to the 'good old days' of GW, with two unpaid for wars, a housing crash and a total economic meltdown.


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