I caught the end

of Charlie Pose's interview with The Donald, in the White House, this morning. Charlie had a follow up question about the YUUUUGE responsibility of being prez, andRose asked if he had consulted Obama. Tthe Orange Clown said NO, they have a bad relationship now, after Obama 'spied on him'.
BULLSHIT! The Liar in Chief called the ex-prez 'Bad and Sick', cuz some of the clown's henchmen showed up in surveilance that the FBI and CIA (among others) were doing of known 'Bad Guys', incl the Russians, who badly wanted Trump elected. Trump's boys were in the middle of it, BUT, there was ZERO wiretapping of Trump, as the Bombastic Buffoon has claimed on several occasions.
When Charlie tried to explain that ALL the govt spy agencies rebuked the Clown's statement, the whiny crybaby abruptly cancelled the interview, saying, 'We're DONE here', and walked out, and ran away, exactly like he did with the John Dickerson 'Face the Nation' interview yesterday.
Can you say ASSHOLE?
TYPICAL lies and bullshit from the Liar in Chief, whose morals and ethics are lower than whale shit.....BUT, the sheep love him.
Have you heard of 'birds of a feather'?


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