
Showing posts from 2019

Remember when Dotard was asked about North Korea and their misses?

The Liar in Chief explained there was no danger, cuz Kim Jong Un had written him ‘beautiful’ letters, and they were ‘in love’, SO, nothing to worry about..... Now, N Korea is promising new, bigger and better long range missiles, after they never stopped testing them, and it seems Dotard is full of shit. Wow, I’m shocked, as the shit is hitting the fan in Iraq and Iran, and Russia just bragged about their new hypersonic missiles. Stay tuned, as the NYC conman directs US military/diplomatic policy. Excuse me, while I work on my bomb shelter.....

As I watch Jimmy Carter, at 95 years old, helping to build housing for the needy, I wonder about the ‘Christians’ who can’t stand him, cuz he’s a Dem,

BUT, they love the Pussy Grabber, cuz the asshole has (R) after his name. You ever wonder how many houses, or anything, the arrogant, egotistical jackass will build? HA!  The jerk who ripped off his ‘charity’ and ‘University’, and got fined MILLIONS, but the sheep love him, cuz he loves Jesus, like them. Excuse me while I puke, just thinking about the LYING Pussy Grabber, and the gullible sheep who swallow his crap...... Can you say HYPOCRITES?

As the rightwingnutjobs deny science and climate change, Australia has hundreds of fires burning after the driest spring EVER and they just set records for hottest temps EVER.

Ya think the Repub whackjobs will notice and admit anything? Not unless Bullshit Mountain tells them to, and that ain’t likely, cuz they wanna keep the gullible sheep as ignorant as possible, as always. Nothing new here.....

The Pubs are making a big deal about Joe Biden’s son accepting a high paying job, and I agree it doesn’t look good, but Joe did absolutely NOTHING wrong.

AND, it still looks better than having sons who are a couple assholes who pay YUUUGE bucks to shoot endangered wildlife, including elephants, beautiful jaguars and a rare sheep, at night, with a laser sight. Screw them and the bad name they give to hunters, spending Dotard’s $$$ to kill for the fun of it, BUT, they’re Pubs, so the jerks can do no wrong in the eyes of Fat Donny’s minions.

In a typical FOXBullshit ‘news’ story, a Repub mayor talks about the huge exodus of people from ‘blue’ states, cuz it’s too expensive to live there.

Appearing on  "Fox & Friends"  with hosts Griff Jenkins and Dean Cain, Sedgwick said that "it's just too darn expensive" to live in densely populated states like California and  New York . "And, the  Democrat  liberal policies have contributed to that," he said. Well, you ignorant rightwingnuts, you ever wonder WHY a place becomes expensive? Is it because it is such a terrible place to live? Or is it about supply and demand and the GOOD states/cities/neighborhoods get to be very desirable and expensive, compared to the Red States where housing is cheap, for a reason? Sure, it’s gonna cost you a lot more to live in California or Colorado cuz that’s where people WANT to live, compared to the cheap property in Alabama or Kentucky, etc., and there’s a LOT of reasons why. Totally obvious economics and rationality, BUT, the Bullshit Mountain article makes it seem like those who are being squeezed out of the upper end markets (cuz thy don’t have ...

Like him or not, we all know Dotard LIES his fat ass off, but some LIES are worse than others, like his ‘promise’ to repeal and replace Obamacare.

Well, the jackasses are doing great on the repealing part, but the REPLACE part, not so much, as in ZERO. Part of the Liar in Chief’s campaign, along with the wall that Mexico would pay for, was a less expensive, better health care system, BUT, three years in, its just another of his OVER 15,000 LIES. Wow, I’m shocked.... As a candidate for the White House, Donald Trump repeatedly promised that he would “immediately” replace President Barack Obama’s health care law with a plan of his own that would provide “insurance for everybody.” Back then, Trump made it sound that his plan — “much less expensive and much better” than the Affordable Care Act — was imminent. He’s had three years and there is still no plan.

The Liar in Chief hit a milestone recently, with over 15,000 LIES. Unbelievable, like the crap from his vile mouth....


File it under, ‘No shit, Sherlock’.

One of the major factors is that the church is too tied up in right-wing politics," said Greg Carey, a professor at Lancaster Theological Seminary in Pennsylvania. Evangelical activism against gay rights is particularly repellant to many members who have gay friends. Trump's presidency may make the age gap worse, some evangelical Christians believe. "Having to go out and defend this guy day after day, as many of these Trump evangelicals are doing, they're just destroying their credibility.”

The editor of Christianity couldn’t stand the HYPOCRISY of supporting the Russian backed, LYING, Pussy Grabbing conman,

he stood up for basic Christian morality and was SWATTED DOWN by the clowns at FOX, where the old men chew up and spit out young female ‘talent’ who want to be on TV. Yup, FOX and Dotard, one and the same, claim CT was/ is a FAR LEFT publication, SO, you obviously can’t believe what they say, AND, don’t forget that Fat Donny the Pussy Grabber is God’s Anointed One! OMG, it’s enough to turn my stomach as the sheep wallow in the crap spewed from Bullshit Mountain. It’s never ending.....

Jim Bakker, convicted felon/fraudster, preached to the sheep today, saying you are risking the wrath of God, if you don’t support Dotard, the Russian backed, LYING conman.

And the sheep say amen OMG, this so screwed up it’s off the chart. Jim, of Jim and Tammie Bakker fame, who bought all the Rolls Royce’s with the gullible moron’s money, is now beating the bushes for Fat Donny, claiming fire and damnation for those who deny Dotard is the ‘chosen one’. OMG, you can’t make up the shit that the morons swallow, but it never ceases to amaze me. PLEASE, give me a mailing list of these brainiacs so I can sell them a bridge or two..... How do these morons survive in today’s world?

For some reason Dotard felt like he neede some Hollywood actor on his side, when 99% hate his fat ass, SO,

the jackass decided to praise Jon Voight, the washed up rightwingnut, who is one of the FEW that can stand the Russian backed, LYING conman in the White House. Whatever, Dotard sent a shout out to the d-bag. Why? Who knows....

Never, in the history of the US, or the world, has anyone launched an assault on reality like Donald J Trump and his crew of LIARS. There was a time when these obvious LIES would have shocked us all, including the Republicans, who just don’t care anymore.

Are you shittin me? When did half of America stop caring about truth? When Dotard took over, that’s when, and the gullible, ignorant sheep don’t give a shit. What’s wrong with this picture? NOTHING, if you’re a head up your ass, FOXSheep, but, for the rest of us it’s a major problem. Bottom line, if I gotta explain, you wouldn’t understand. Understand? You dumbass rightwingnuts?

Just started watching ‘Boy Erased’, the true story of how the Religious Right, the Dotard’s supporters, make tone of money, trying to reprogram pool who are ‘born gay’.

Am so pissed right now don’t think I can go on... And to think I am related to people, morons, who think this way. At least it explains the clueless, pro Trump idiots, where reality, as in ‘you’re born that way’, just doesn’t penetrate their moronic brains. Again, if I gotta explain, you wouldn’t understand, and I bet you are a Dotard supporter, cuz he’s such a Christian. Excuse me while I puke...

The MSN Poll is showing the same results as all the others, as ‘Impewch the Asshole’ is continuing to gain momentum.

Fifty-five percent of likely American voters support the Senate deciding to remove President Donald Trump from office, according to a  Microsoft News poll  released on Wednesday. Forty percent are opposed to his removal. Last week, the same poll showed only 48% backed Trump’s removal as president, while 47% were against it. Other results from the survey include: Forty-four percent approve of the job Trump is doing as president, while 51 percent disapprove. If the presidential election were held today, 49% said they would vote for the Democratic candidate, 40% said they would vote for Trump, and 11% gave another answer. Fifty-eight percent of likely voters said the country was headed in the wrong direction, while only 32% said it was headed in the right direction.

Pretty much says it all about the formerly respectable Repub Party, that sold it’s soul to the devil


The world sees him as a deranged idiot, which is about the nicest thing you can say about the Russian backed, pussy grabbing Pathological LIAR.

Trump only has himself to blame, Conway  fired back . "The problem you have with foreign leaders, @realDonaldTrump, is that they think you are a deranged idiot," Conway tweeted. "They see it in your tweets, and they see it on TV." It’s not exactly a close kept secret.

This is how they won last time and now the jerks(R) are getting a lot more aggressive. In a state Dotard won by 23,000, the Pubs just tossed over 200,000 off the voting rolls. I’m sure now that th Pubs see how well it worked in Wisconsin, we’ll see more of it all over....

Last week, a judge appointed by a Republican governor used an extreme and malicious interpretation of a Wisconsin state voting law to  throw roughly 234,000 state voters  off the rolls. The decision on a case brought by the conservative Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty, concerns a state law that requires the Wisconsin Elections Commission to keep voting rolls up to date. Under the law, the Commission, run by Republicans, sends letters to voters suspected of having moved based on "reliable information."  Those who don't respond within 30 days are then purged from the rolls.

You ever wonder how we can have such a GREAT economy and still go into debt at a faster rate then EVER, with the Trumpies adding r d ink at the rate of HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS per year?

Look no further than the YUUUUGE tax cuts for Fat Donny’s buddies, the one per centers....

After a fantastic Christmas Eve and Christmas morning with the kids we wanted to get out, cuz it’s alwqys a letdown when the fun of a family Christmas is over, so we went to a movie.

Our first choices were sold out, so we saw ‘Bombshell’, the story of Roger Ailes and the clowns (criminals) at FOX, where the dirty old men used women as sex toys, preying on interns and those who wanted a career in TV. Gretchen Carlson started the lawsuits with Megan Kelly and several others following their leads. The movie would alternate between actual footage and actors made up to look like th clowns of aBullshit Mountain. It should be required viewing for all the clueless, gullible sheep who get their ‘news’ from the Murdoch/Ailes substitute for a REAL news outlet. Ther are also good shots/quotes from Dotard as he took over the formerly respectable Repub Party. Good flick that will open your eyes to what happens at FOXNews, where even THEY couldn’t pretend to be ‘Fair and Balanced’ any more, as they chew through bimbos, then get a multi million dollar severance package when thy get caught. Roger Ailes and Bill O Reilly got $65,000,000 after FOX paid millions to their...

The jackass calls it ‘Impeachment Light’ and says ‘I don’t feel like I’m being Impeached’. Well, guess what asshole, you ARE, no matter what you wanna shovel to your gullible, ignorant minions.


Let’s hope we haven’t seen the end of this. Wow, Christians who aren’t HYPOCRITES!

A longtime editor of the Christian Post resigned after learning the publication plans to write an editorial praising President Donald Trump and blasting another Christian publication for condemning him.

She claims she had obstructed vision from her MAGA hat......

An Iowa woman who told police she  ran over a teen because she "was a Mexican"  has been charged with another attempted murder after police say she hit a 12-year-old black boy on the same day. Dotard told her not to worry if she’s convicted, cuz he’d pardon her......

Quid Pro Claus, looking for dirt on Biden


I just read a good, scientific explanation for the actions of the jackass in the White House.

Basic physics explains Dotard’s actions after all the good that Obama did to fix the environment, governmental integrity and America’s standing in the world. FOR EVERY ACTION THERE’S AN EQUAL AND OPPOSITE REACTION. Never has a Law of Physics been SO obvious! Even the anti-science Pubs oughta be able to understand this one.....

Don McGahn, who resigned rather than fire Robert Mueller, as Dotard ordered him to, may testify in early January, AND,

if he provides any new, or strongly corroborating evidence, there could be new Articles of Impeachment against the Liar in Chief. If McGahn's testimony produces new evidence supporting the conclusion that President Trump committed impeachable offenses that are not covered by the Articles approved by the House, the Committee will proceed accordingly — including, if necessary, by considering whether to recommend new articles of impeachment," the lawyers wrote. Fat Donny’s gotta be lovin’ it......

The endless Trump scandals have become a blur for Americans who care and those who don’t.

It's well explained here: I have a fatalistic outlook on life and a bad feeling about 2020. Trump just seems like one of those Marvel Comics villains who are all-but indestructible when you try to take them down by ordinary kinetic means. The Stormy Daniels scandal? It felt like a feather flung at a tank. The Mueller investigation? A rock. Impeachment? A small-caliber bullet. And looking at the field of candidates on the stage in L.A. last week, I’m just not seeing Captain America. So true, but even the worst villains can be taken down......

Dotard showed his ignorance of windmills, the universe and the English language in this classic spewage of crap from his vile mouth, yesterday.

(And remember as you read it, this is the jackass that the sheep elected, and support, to run our country.) After his latest diatribes against energy efficient light bulbs, dishwashers and toilets, that have to be flushed 10-15 times, the asshole attacked windmills. ( “It's very expensive. They're made in China and Germany mostly -- very few made here, almost none. But they're manufactured tremendous -- if you're into this -- tremendous fumes. Gases are spewing into the atmosphere. You know we have a world, right? So the world is tiny compared to the universe," the President said at the Turning Point USA conference. "You talk about the carbon footprint -- fumes are spewing into the air. Right? Spewing. Whether it's in China, Germany, it's going into the air. It's our air, their air, everything -- right?" Then the jerk went on to say how windmills ruin property values and cause cancer, to the cheers of his moronic minions who swallow his ...

Christianity Today’s editor had more to say about the Russian backed Liar in Chief

“It strikes me as strange that for people that take the teachings of Jesus Christ seriously, teachings of the Ten Commandments seriously, that we can’t at least say publicly and out loud and in front of God and everybody that this man’s character is deeply, deeply concerning to us and, in my judgement, has crossed a line and no longer think he’s fit to lead the United States of America.” AMEN!

I saw some numbers this morning that gave me hope. 74% think that the Senate The Senat Impeachment trial should have WITNESS TESTIMONY, while only 22% don’t.

And, at this stage of Nixon’s Watergate, less than 25% thought he should be impeached. AND, when Clinton’s Impeachment vote went to the Senate his approval rating was over 70%. Dotard’s is at 42%, and has NEVER gotten to 50%, no matter what the LIAR and the lying clowns at FO would have the gullible sheep believe. Maybe there’s hope for us after all, BUT, the sickening part is that the jackass has the strong economy, built by Obama, after GW and The Dick wrecked during the last Repub fiasco.

I’ve ranted against the ‘Christian’ HYPOCRITES who support the Russian backed, LYING, Pussy Grabbing criminal conman, for a LONG time here.....

The editor of Christianity Today, who is being trashed by Dotard, for pointing out the absurdity of Fat Donny’s support, put it all together in one simple sentence. I am saying to my evangelical brothers and sisters, take your interest in politics and put it aside for a moment and let's start thinking about morality,” he added.

File it under, ‘Duh, cuz the jackass is guilty as hell,’

Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) said she doesn’t understand why the Trump administration is blocking witnesses from testifying in President Donald Trump’s pending Senate impeachment trial,  she said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union. “I think what is shocking to me is, right now, despite the president claiming his innocence, claiming that he wants to present witnesses, he's the one blocking the witnesses.” Yup, the Liar in Chief LIES to his ignorant, gullible minions, saying he WANTS testimony at a real trial, while his henchmen, at his request BLOCK that testimony, cuz it would be disastrous for the criminal conman. And the idiots keep swallowing his crap. Unbelievable, like the LIES from his vile mouth....

Politico did the first poll after Dotard was Impeached, and we found (Surprise!), that he’s been LYING about his numbers going up.

Who da thunk the asshole would LIE?  In the first poll to be conducted following the House's passage of impeachment articles, 52% of respondents in Politico’s poll said they supported the Houses' articles of impeachment, with 43% opposing. Similarly, 52% of respondents said they support Trump's impeachment and removal from office, while 42% disapproved. (Since then USA Today put the numbers at 51% and 43%) One question. WTF is wrong with approximately four out of ten people?

Dotard LOVED to bitch about Obama spending too much time, and money, golfing, BUT, in less than three years the Liar in Chief has surpassed Obama’s eight year total.

What! You mean Fat Donny LIED about working instead of golfing? Maybe we can get Mexico to pay for it, like the LIAR promised for his wall.... The jackass also loves to brag about donating his salary, BUT, we taxpayers have paid over four hundred years worth of salary, at $400,000/year, on the jerk’s golf, with a YUUUGE part of it going into his own pocket, as he charges top dollar for the Secret Service to rent golf carts, eat and stay at his courses. Impeachment isn’t bad enough for the asshole....

Wow, I agree with Looney Lindsay Graham, and that’s pretty weird.

Goofy Graham(R) says Trump is ‘mad’, Yup mad as the Mad Hatter, and they want Dotard to have his day in court. YES! Sit him on the chair, under oath, and let him answer some basic questions! BUT, that will never happen, cuz we ALL know he’s guilty as hell, SO, neither he, nor any of his henchmen will be allowed to testify. Any innocent person would LOVE to have the facts brought out. The guilty ones, like the Liar in Chief, will do ANYTHING to keep the facts under wrap. So, that’s why I agree with Lindsay, when th jerk says, President Donald Trump is "demanding his day in court," and is "mad as hell" that Democrats would deny him, Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., said Thursday.

You can’t shame the shameless.


It’s YUUUUGE news, how ‘Christianity Today’ dumped on Dotard, signaling that the HYPOCRITES may have opened their eyes, concerning the Russian backed, LYING Pussy Grabber, BUT,

the sheep won’t see or hear a word about it from Bullshit Mountain, where the clowns IGNORE all the negative crap about their boy. Sickening how the sheep have no idea WHY they are so MISinformed and UNinformed, but anyone who sees REAL news and compares it to FOXShit totally understands. Sickening, but SO typical.....

Wow, there’s a REAL Christian at the helm of Christianity Today, and he can’t stand the Hypocrisy of Dotard’s supporters.

Galli's warning to Christians is clear. "To the many evangelicals who continue to support Mr. Trump in spite of his blackened moral record, we might say this: remember who you are and whom you serve," Galli writes. "Consider how your justification of Mr. Trump influences your witness to your Lord and Savior. Consider what an unbelieving world will say if you continue to brush off Mr. Trump's immoral words and behavior in the cause of political expediency. If we don't reverse course now, will anyone take anything we say about justice and righteousness with any seriousness for decades to come?" Amen, brother!

As he should be, I think Dotard is more worried about Christianity Today calling him out as the jackass he is than the Impeachment process.

Yup, the asshole knows he has the sold out Pubs in the Senate to protect his fat ass, BUT, if he loses his Bible Belt sheep, Fat Donny doesn’t have a chance. These people have stood behind him, not caring that he’s a Russian backed, LYING Pussy Grabbing conman, cuz he claims he’s ‘one of them’ so they swallow all his crap, hoping he will help them gain more power. A truly unholy alliance, but helpful to them both. As Jesus would say, SICKENING......

Wow, this statement says it all. It’s just what I’ve been preaching to the HYPOCRITES who call themselves Christians while supporting th Russian backed, LYING, Pussy Grabbing conman.

Christianity Today said, None of the president's positives can balance the moral and political danger we face under a leader of such grossly immoral character.” Couldn’t have said it better myself.....

File it under, ‘Duh, it’s about time....’

Finally, a Christian group, unlike the MANY HYPOCRITES of that ilk, stepped up and called a spade a spade, OR, to say it clearer, called Dotard a disgusting human being (profoundly immoral). Something we’ve  all known for a long time, but SOME of us wouldn’t say it. Good for you, ‘Christianity Today’! President Trump  blasted Christianity Today on Friday after the evangelical publication founded by the late Rev. Billy Graham called for his  removal  after the House of Representatives voted to impeach him for abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.  Galli wrote: “The facts in this instance are unambiguous: The president of the United States attempted to use his political power to coerce a foreign leader to harass and discredit one of the president’s political opponents,” the editorial read. “That is not only a violation of the Constitution; more importantly, it is profoundly immoral.”

Wow, who da thunk, the Dems want actual witnesses in TRIAL?

Certainly not the Pubs, who can’t stand the thought of the President’s men testifying under oath. That would mean prison for the lying conman, SO, the jerks are just gonna IGNORE due process, cuz that’s their only hope. If you were innocent would you want testimony? If you were GUILTY would you fight it? EXACTLY! Even the dumbass, head up their ass Pubs know this, SOOO, they wanna avoid it, for the rest of the Head Up Their Ass Pubs. Who da thunk? From their view, the jackasshole looks normal......

Oh, BTW, in case I haven’t mentioned it, for th dumbasses who ignore the GACTS, that Dotard held up millions in aid to Ukraine, trying to get dirt on his likely opponent in 2020.

Fuck him, the Russian backed, LYING jackass AND the ignorant gullible sheep he rode in on. If I can be any more clear, for the moronic jerks who support the Liar in Chief, just let me know.. BTW, we just found out Vlad baby is defending His Boy in the White House. Wow, I’m shocked.....

Pub Congressmen act Shocked that the serial, racist criminal who cheated on one election,

obstructed Justice in the investigation of it, cheated on his first wife, second AND third, accused of multiple sexual assaults, and had six close associates sent to prison. That guy who committed tax fraud, enriched himself from the presidency, got caught using his Charity to enrich himself, got busted for his fraudulent University, orchestrated an extortion scheme to cheat in the 2020 election, got caught, tried to cover it up, paid hush moneyTWICE to Bimboes and LIED about it AND drove his golf cart ON THE GREEN!  The same guy who walked up the stairs to his plane, with toilet paper on his shoe and another time couldn’t figure out how to close his umbrella, so he left it. The guy who flushes his toilet 10-15 times. Yup, THAT asshole is the one the Pub Congressmen can’t believe is getting Impeached, and they’re comparing him to Jesus before Pilate and his Impeachment to Pearl Harbor and the Salem Witch Trials! I can’t believe it either. Only TWO Articles of Imp...

The dickwads(R) outdid themselves, trying to say how TERRIBLE Dotard’s Impeachment is.

They wore black, held a moment of silence, compared it to Dec 7th, 1941 and compared the Liar in Chief to Jesus, getting nailed to the cross. What a bunch of assholes......

Impeaching Dotard is sorta like finding a raccoon in your garage and poking it with a broom.

It’s still there, but now it’s really MAD!

Wow, have you read Dotard’s whiny, rambling six page letter to Nancy Pelosi?

I tried, and quit. OMG.... This guy is prez? Unbelievable, like his bullshit letter. President Donald Trump on Tuesday added another wild document to the mountain of evidence that will be used against him when the verdict of history inevitably concludes he was unfit for office. In a rambling six-page letter  addressed to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Trump weaved together a tapestry of lies, self-pity and warped allusions to history, in an effort to craft for himself a mantle of innocence on the eve of his likely impeachment.  As ever, one wonders whether he believes all the crass nonsense he promotes or whether he's consciously, brazenly trying to deceive the public on all counts. And that leads to the next question: Which would be worse?

I was recently chosen to be a juror and part of the defendant’s lawyer’s Defense was: You shouldn’t hold it against the defendant cuz he testify in his defense. That is his right.

RIGHT..... I knew right then that he was guilty and I was biased against him. I thought then, and still think, that anyone who is innocent would be mor than happy, and in fact DEMAND to testify in their defense, which brings us to Dotard’s trial. Not only won’t HE testify, but the Repub clowns in charge won’t allow ANYONE to testify! If this doesn’t tell you something, you’re an idiot. Innocent people want all the evidence they can get. GUILTY ones wanna suppress all the evidence. Even the ‘head up their ass’ crowd(R) knows that. The trouble is getting them to admit it, as the Pubs allow ZERO evidence or testimony! Doesn’t get any more obvious, that the Russian backed, LYING conman is guilty as sin. As th jackasshole himself says, ‘Read the transcript’.

There will be NO witnesses in th Senate Sham, but we don’t need them, cuz we had plenty in the House version of a ‘trial’, WITH witnesses.

Seventeen witnesses all told the same story. He fired an ambassador who would not play along with the “drug deal” (John Bolton’s words according to a witness), created a shadow foreign policy outside of all oversight (”I want you to talk to Rudy”), and hung Ukraine out to dry even though Russia had already invaded their country and taken their Crimea territory, while threatening even more. Our president has betrayed the public trust, and used public office for personal benefit. Then he directed everyone in government to cover it up. Th Senate’s reaction? No Problem, cuz the criminal is a Republican, like us. Some things never change.

Another of Dotard’s henchmen went to prison today, joining his lawyer and campaign manager.

 Rick Gates was also found guilty, of colluding with the Russians. Do the sheep care? NOT AT ALL! Those jerks have no conscience or morals. Nothing new here, but how do these HYPOCRITES sleep? Probably LOTS of drugs...

Cool wrapping hack. Think that wrapping paper is too short? Ha! Scroll down to second video. Seven seconds.....

Every year, Politifact gives an award for Lie of the Year. It’s the ONLY time they use the word LIE.

This year’s winner is Donald Trump, for saying the Whistleblower ‘got it all wrong’, when in fact, as we can see from the transcript, and witnesses, that he got it ALL RIGHT! Not that the rightwingnuts give a shit about TRUTH. As PolitiFact puts it : "The distinction is awarded to a statement that is more than ridiculous and wrong. The Lie of the Year — the only time PolitiFact uses the word 'lie' — speaks to a falsehood that proves to be of real consequence and gets repeated in a virtual campaign to und ermine an accurate narrative." This year's biggest lie? President Donald Trump's repeated assertions that the Ukraine whistleblower got the story about his July 25 phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky all wrong, when in truth, he got it all right.

This is why I hate Dems ‘almost’ as much as Repubs. Thy all line up at the trough of the most bloated military in the history of the world. Just check out todays budget, including th EXTRA hundreds of billions to the military after there was supposed to be a ‘cut’.


The Republican owned Senate is having a ‘Trial’, as they are required by the Constitution, but obviously these Hypocritical jerks have no idea what a trial is.

tri·al /ˈtrÄ«(É™)l/ noun 1.  a formal examination of evidence and witnesses before a judge, and typically before a jury, in order to decide guilt in a case of criminal or civil proceedings. Any of you jerks understand that ‘examination of evidence and witnesses’ thing? Oh, you’re afraid that would show the criminal jackass is guilty? We understand, only too well.......

And now, on to a ‘fair’ trial, with no witnesses or documents, cuz that could RUIN the guilty party’s chance of winning.


Just a thought, for the rightwingnutjobs...

If you were innocent, would you want testimony under oath, OR, would you block it ALL, like the Russian backed, LYING conman? Really! What would you do, as an innocent person? Or can you assholes even relate to that concept? Didn’t think so..... Bottom line, screw Dotard and all you ignorant, gullible sheep he rode in on. HYPOCRITES, with a capital H!

Just saw the headlines of bad weather in ‘the South’, where they are famous for:

Low(est) education and income, high(est) obesity and opioid addiction, BUT, they claim to be REALLY SMART, cuz they luv Dotard and they all vote Repub! Wow, I’m shocked, as they back the Russian backed, Pussy Grabbing, LYING, conman, cuz he’s a ‘Christian’, like them. Is there a better example, anywhere, of ignorance and gullibility? I don’t think so......

Have never been a big Carli Fiorina fan, but she had a good quote today.

“I think that’s all about politics, the politics of winning,” Fiorina added. “The party is focused on winning. And so, I think Republicans are behaving the way they do because they think it’s going to help them win.” IMHO, they’ve sold their souls, lining up behind the Russian backed, LYING conman, cuz they see that as the only way they can keep power, which is true, and power is EVERYTHING to politicians.  Understandable, but not forgivable, as the clowns line up behind an obviously guilty,  crooked conman who cares ONLY for himself. Sickening.....

In part of his build up to skip th Presidential Debates, Dotard claims th Dems apologized for ‘modulating his mike’ in the 2016 debates.

As per usual, it’s just a LIE from his vile mouth. Didn’t happen, except in his tiny, toxic brain, the source of his Tweets to his sheep, the ‘gullible among us’.

Here’s a treat for you rightwingnutjobs, who only get your ‘news’ from FOX. This is a link to Dotard’s craziest lines, and biggest LIES, of 2019. Unbelievable, for the president of the US, but true. Chronological, not by biggest LIES first. BTW, how could you even rate his LIES, when there SO many and they are SO ridiculous

Clinton apologized for his actions, when he was impeached for a blow job, saying ‘I’m sorry’’

Clinton offered those words despite having an approval rating of over 60% at the time, which  notably peaked at 73 percent  just days after the House voted to impeach him. What a contrast to Trump, who per , currently has the lowest approval rating of any president these many days into his first term at 42%. Trump now even trails Presidents Jimmy Carter and George H.W. Bush at the same point in their respective first terms, and both of them lost re-election, but, listening to him talk (LIE), you’d think he was at the TOP of presidential popularity.

Daotard claims he will debate the Dem challenger, but ONLY on his terms.

And according to his past, that means supply the questions in advance, in writing, and his Army of Lawyers will review them and write up whatever legal mambo jumbo that makes him look good. That’s EXACTLY how the jackasshole operates. Just ask Robert Mueller. OR, he’ll probably just IGNORE the whole thing. Just ask the Impeachment Committee with their legal subpoenas.

Dotard and the Pubs are touting his USMCA deal that is SO much better than NAFTA.

BUT, the prez of Mexico says No Way, to one of the main aspects of the Treaty. NO WAY are we allowing inspectors in the country, to ‘verify’ compliance! So, Dotard, hows your Big Deal lookin’?

Most Pubs, who can and do read (some of them), like Tom Clancy, for his fanciful patriotic tomes.

Tom Clancy's 1989 book “Clear and Present Danger” was about a  president  (like Dotard?), who uses government resources ($400 mil in aid?), to run a covert operation (dig up dirt on Biden?), intended to bolster his chances for re-election. Sound familiar? In the book, the Pubs would root for justice, BUT, in reality the clowns(R) don’t give a shit, cuz he (the Liar in Chief), is one of them. Would be funny, if not true and dangerous. Patriots, my ass. HYPOCRITES through and through.......

In typical FOXFashion, shoveling LIES to the sheep, the headline reads, ‘Schumer KO’d Testimony in Clinton Impeachment, But Wants It For Trump’.

Same old shit from Bullshit Mountain, where the headline says one thing, while the truth (which usually isn’t even there) is buried DEEP. That truth being, there were five days of testimony, by several witnesses, in the Senate, BUT, now the clowns wanna change rules and ignore the entire process and legal system. Again, same old shit, as rules are made for the OTHER SIDE to follow......

Just for a little levity, here’s my daughter reacting to her son not loving Santa Claus.


The Law is based on precedent. Totally. One hundred percent.

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The wanna-be dictator, and his buddies, as the Russian backed jackass drives away our former allies.


Just learned how to do a ‘screen grab’ from a book on my Kindle, so I chose this quote about some religious zealots in the book I’m reading. Something I could relate to....


Dotard claims his Impeachment has helped, BUT, the asshole is LYING, like always.

Yup, his vile mouth is spewing bullshit, as per usual. 54% want the Russian backed jackass impeached, and the 41% who swallow the crap from FOX don’t. Hard to get a grasp on reality, with your head buried deep in your ass, like the gullible, ignorant sheep. Here’s the numbers, that even Bullshit Mountain can’t hide.... Trump claims his numbers are getting better, but a fresh  Fox News poll  conducted last week and released on Sunday found that a majority of the American electorate wants Trump impeached.  Fifty percent are in favor of impeaching and removing the president, while four percent say impeached but not removed, and 41 percent oppose impeachment altogether. WTF is wrong with 41%? Oh yeah, they’re idiots. Just by definition, half the people are below average intelligence, and now we know how/what those morons think....

DJTJ, Dotard Jr, had some good news, bad news...

Seems he got the head mounted, of the endangered sheep that he shot, WITH A LASER SIGHT, AT NIGHT. But, for the bad news, he found out he couldn’t take a hammer to the petting zoo.. At least the a-hole told the truth, a while back, when he, and Eric, said their old man couldn’t get any financing from US banks (after all his bankruptcies), SOOO, they got their money (rubles) from the Russians. No wonder the Liar in Chief doesn’t want his taxes released, after paying back the favor by laundering those same rubles for the Russian Mafia, with his Nw York real estate scams. Not even a question about it, for those who care to look. Head up their ass sheep obviously excluded. cuz they can’t stand the truth.....

File it under, ‘Wow, that’s too bad, that the rightwingnuts are idiots who die younger’.

Who da thunk being fat and stupid is bad for you? In a column titled "America's Red State Death Trip," Krugman wrote: "In 1990, today's red and blue states had almost the same life expectancy. Since then, however, life expectancy in Clinton states has risen more or less in line with other advanced countries, compared with almost no gain in Trump country. At this point, blue-state residents can expect to live more than four years longer than their red-state counterparts." On this basis, Krugman blasts Attorney General  William Barr , who suggested this year that militant secularism lies behind rising mortality in the United States. Instead, Krugman suggested that "these evils are concentrated in states that voted for Trump, and have largely bypassed the more secular blue states."

I think the clowns at Bullshit Mountain realize that Dotard will probably lose in 2020, SO, they are trying to establish some long lost credibility, no matter how much Dotard and the gullible sheep hate to see it.

President Donald Trump on Saturday lit into Fox News’ decision to interview two of his political foes — James Comey and Rep. Adam Schiff — as an attempt to be “politically correct.”  “Hard to believe that  @FoxNews  will be interviewing sleazebag & totally discredited former FBI Director James Comey, & also corrupt politician Adam ‘Shifty’ Schiff,” Trump  tweeted . “Fox is trying sooo hard to be politically correct.”

Dotard’s damage isn’t just to the US, but the entire world/planet, as the asshole spreads his ignorance abroad, poisoning all he touches.

"We're in a very politically difficult time right now where we've got one key world leader denying climate change, so it's very hard to get other countries to move forward when you've got such a critical country playing a spoiling role," said Ian Fry, a delegate from the Pacific Ocean island nation Tuvalu. "That's the state of the world we're in at the moment."

Let’s keep it simple....


Contrary to the LIES from the Liar in Chief, even FOXNews reports half of Americans want him impeached, and any of th top five Dems would beat him in an election held now.

The sheep, who swallow the LIES from Dotard wouldn’t know this, SOOO, I’m passing this on to the clueless, gullible, ignorant rightwingnuts. You know who you are..... About half of registered voters say that President Donald Trump should be removed from office and that if he survives the impeachment effort, he'll have a tough time beating the Democratic candidate in the 2020 election, according to a  FOX News poll released Sunday .  The poll was conducted Dec. 8-11, a week before the House is to vote on  articles of impeachment  against Trump.   The poll found that 50% of registered voters say Trump should be impeached in the House, convicted in the Senate and removed from office. Asking if the bastard should be shot would give about the same results, according to a survey here at the patriotic FamGuy crew.

Trying to justify the Russian backed, LYING jackass in the White House, Pubs luv to say, ‘But look at the GREAT economy, as if that makes up for Dotard and all his bullshit’.

Fat Donny inherited a FANTASTIC economy, and like a train engineer who steps on a sleek train rolling down a smooth track, stepped into an ideal situation, totally unlike th steaming pile left behind by GW and the Dick, for Obama. AND, the jerk(R) has greased the skids with a totally unpaid for tax cut for the one percenters, who juice the stock market. Under a normal, competent leader, who didn’t screw up with tariffs and pissing off world leaders, we’d be doing a lot BETTER! But don’t try facts with the sheep, who live in the alternate world of FOXLies. They don’t understand the concept of Reality.....

Lindsay Graham is being a typical Pub, except for the ‘truth telling’ part, when he admits he’s not gonna look at or listen to that pesky stuff called facts and evidence.

Dotard is a Repub, like Lindsay, SOOOO that’s all the hack needs to know, and he admits it. He either doesn’t believe the jackass withheld hundreds of millions in aid to Ukraine, trying to get dirt on Biden (no, that couldn’t be it, cuz it’s so OBVIOUS), or he just doesn’t give a shit, like most Pubs. The big difference? Goofy Graham admits that the evidence means NOTHING, so he won’t even hear it. Same old shit from the Pubs. "I am trying to give a pretty clear signal I have made up my mind. I'm not trying to pretend to be a fair juror here," said Mr. Graham.

We just found out Dotard stole $2.8 mil from his ‘Charity Foundation’, that was raised for Veterans, and he used a lot of it for campaign financing.

Can you imagine if Obama did this? OMG! But Dotard did it, SOOOO, the Pubs have NO PROBLEM! Screw Dotard and the gullible, ignorant sheep he rode in on.

Am gonna make a prediction/prophecy here, that I am SURE will happen.

I’m claiming the Russian’s , who used to be the enemy of the Pubs (remember, rightingnuts?) are gonna make a bunch of fake videos/political ads, in support of the Russian backed, LYING, conman in the Oval Office. Vlad and his buddies will do anything to keep their boy as prez. How can anyone with a functioning brain, FOXSheep obviously excluded, argue that Dotard isn’t a Russian plant. Every major decision he’s made has benefitted his Commie buddies. Selling out the Kurds in Syria is just the latest example of him protecting the Russians who have financed his NYC real estate scam that the Russian Mafia used to launder their rubles. If you can’t see it, after his sons said, MANY TIMES, that they turned to Russia for financing after US banks refused them credit. Who’d a thunk, after SIX BANKRUPTCIES? Never mind, the ignorant gullible sheep have no interest in reality. Some things never change....

Wow, an article on FOX that’s truthful. What’s next. Repub Senators with morals?

In my mind, it's obvious that Trump threatened the president of Ukraine to demand a political favor and improperly held back $391 million in desperately needed military aid approved by Congress to help Ukraine defend itself against Russian aggression. Trump eventually gave Ukraine the money - but only after a whistleblower exposed the president's improper conduct. It's even more obvious - and indisputable - that Trump has refused to allow members of his administration to testify before Congress or provide subpoenaed documents for the House impeachment inquiry. Those brave and patriotic officials who testified did so in defiance of Trump's obstruction. How can anyone argue with a straight face that Trump didn't obstruct Congress to block it from carrying out its constitutional oversight responsibility?

Dotard called Schiff a Pencil Neck. What should we call the jackasshole? Any thoughts?


I wonder if the Pubs even realize what they’re doing, if they clear Dotard of Obstruction of Congress?

That would set the precedent that any future president can do whatever he/she wants, however illegal, and if Congress does their duty and subpoenas witnesses, documents and evidence to show that crime, the prez can just IGNORE everything, and it’s FINE. Ya think the assholes(R) would be OK with it if the prez was a Dem? The HYPOCRITES have no balls, backbone or brains. Other than that, they’re just like rational, logical humans....

Dotard accused the Dems of doing nothing. This, on the same day the jackass Tweeted NINETY ONE times, before 1:00!

What a jerk But nothing new...

WASHINGTON» The Office of Inspector General for the Department of Defense will investigate a $400 million contract for border wall construction awarded to a North Dakota company after President Donald Trump privately pushed the deal.

A company in North Dakota, who has NEVER gotten a construction contract, EVER, was awarded the contract to build a $400,000,000 wall, over a thousand miles away. Their qualifications? The head of the company was a ‘first supporter’ of Dotard, giving $10,000 to his campaign, AND appeared on FOX, supporting the jackass and his wall, that MEXICO WAS GONNA PAY FOR. Trump had lobbied the Army Corps of Engineers to choose the North Dakota company, despite opposition from military officials who raised concerns about the company’s standards.

Wow, no wonder Dotard is pissed at FOX, after they’ve allowed some of their people actually tell the truth, incl Chris Wallace, yesterday.

Fox News host Chris Wallace lambasted President Donald Trump for spearheading "the most direct sustained assault on freedom of the press in our history." "I believe that President Trump is engaged in the most direct sustained assault on freedom of the press in our history," Wallace, the host of "Fox News Sunday," said to applause in a speech Wednesday at the Newseum, an interactive gallery devoted to the media, in Washington. "He has done everything he can to undercut the media, to try and delegitimize us, and I think his purpose is clear: to raise doubts when we report critically about him and his administration that we can be trusted. “And it’s not only the press he delegitimizes, but also US Intelligence Agencies and the FBI. This is a very dangerous time for America and the values we hold dear.”

There are at least EIGHT articles from the clowns of Bullshit Mountain, all shoveling the same shit to the sheep Here’s a hint for the Propaganda Pushers. No matter how many times you regurgitate a LIE, it still doesn’t make it true.

As a public service, to save time reading the SAME BULLSHIT, here’s the fairy tale being shoveled to the sheep. Evidence free? OMG! Transcripts and a dozen witnesses don’t count? Only in FOXCrap world, where it is correctly assumed the sheep are gullible and ignorant. Published  8 hours ago Rep. Mark Meadows: Trump impeachment driven by Democrats’ evidence-free hysteria and wild allegations

While sitting on his faulty toilet, flushing ten to fifteen times after his massive dump, Dotard blasted out over EIGHTY Tweets and ReTweets in less than three hours.

This has to a record for Fat Donny, who spends his life watching FOXNews and responding to the clowns that run our govt in conjunction with the jackass who sits on his throne, flushing and Tweeting. Just hours before a House panel was set to approve articles of impeachment against him, President Donald Trump flexed his Twitter fingers, blasting out more than 80 tweets and retweets in less than three hours. The deluge began, with his ass and fingers, as most Trump tweetstorms do, with a reference to a segment on Fox News’ “Fox & Friends” at 6:51 a.m. From there, they just kept coming.