Trying to justify the Russian backed, LYING jackass in the White House, Pubs luv to say, ‘But look at the GREAT economy, as if that makes up for Dotard and all his bullshit’.

Fat Donny inherited a FANTASTIC economy, and like a train engineer who steps on a sleek train rolling down a smooth track, stepped into an ideal situation, totally unlike th steaming pile left behind by GW and the Dick, for Obama.
AND, the jerk(R) has greased the skids with a totally unpaid for tax cut for the one percenters, who juice the stock market.
Under a normal, competent leader, who didn’t screw up with tariffs and pissing off world leaders, we’d be doing a lot BETTER!
But don’t try facts with the sheep, who live in the alternate world of FOXLies.
They don’t understand the concept of Reality.....


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