I was recently chosen to be a juror and part of the defendant’s lawyer’s Defense was: You shouldn’t hold it against the defendant cuz he testify in his defense. That is his right.

RIGHT..... I knew right then that he was guilty and I was biased against him.
I thought then, and still think, that anyone who is innocent would be mor than happy, and in fact DEMAND to testify in their defense, which brings us to Dotard’s trial.
Not only won’t HE testify, but the Repub clowns in charge won’t allow ANYONE to testify!

If this doesn’t tell you something, you’re an idiot.
Innocent people want all the evidence they can get.
GUILTY ones wanna suppress all the evidence.
Even the ‘head up their ass’ crowd(R) knows that.
The trouble is getting them to admit it, as the Pubs allow ZERO evidence or testimony!

Doesn’t get any more obvious, that the Russian backed, LYING conman is guilty as sin.
As th jackasshole himself says, ‘Read the transcript’.


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