Dotard showed his ignorance of windmills, the universe and the English language in this classic spewage of crap from his vile mouth, yesterday.

(And remember as you read it, this is the jackass that the sheep elected, and support, to run our country.)
After his latest diatribes against energy efficient light bulbs, dishwashers and toilets, that have to be flushed 10-15 times, the asshole attacked windmills.
“It's very expensive. They're made in China and Germany mostly -- very few made here, almost none. But they're manufactured tremendous -- if you're into this -- tremendous fumes. Gases are spewing into the atmosphere. You know we have a world, right? So the world is tiny compared to the universe," the President said at the Turning Point USA conference. "You talk about the carbon footprint -- fumes are spewing into the air. Right? Spewing. Whether it's in China, Germany, it's going into the air. It's our air, their air, everything -- right?"

Then the jerk went on to say how windmills ruin property values and cause cancer, to the cheers of his moronic minions who swallow his crap. OMG......


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