DJTJ, Dotard Jr, had some good news, bad news...

Seems he got the head mounted, of the endangered sheep that he shot, WITH A LASER SIGHT, AT NIGHT.
But, for the bad news, he found out he couldn’t take a hammer to the petting zoo..
At least the a-hole told the truth, a while back, when he, and Eric, said their old man couldn’t get any financing from US banks (after all his bankruptcies), SOOO, they got their money (rubles) from the Russians.
No wonder the Liar in Chief doesn’t want his taxes released, after paying back the favor by laundering those same rubles for the Russian Mafia, with his Nw York real estate scams.

Not even a question about it, for those who care to look.
Head up their ass sheep obviously excluded. cuz they can’t stand the truth.....


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