Dotard claims his Impeachment has helped, BUT, the asshole is LYING, like always.

Yup, his vile mouth is spewing bullshit, as per usual.

54% want the Russian backed jackass impeached, and the 41% who swallow the crap from FOX don’t.
Hard to get a grasp on reality, with your head buried deep in your ass, like the gullible, ignorant sheep.
Here’s the numbers, that even Bullshit Mountain can’t hide....

Trump claims his numbers are getting better, but a fresh Fox News poll conducted last week and released on Sunday found that a majority of the American electorate wants Trump impeached. 
Fifty percent are in favor of impeaching and removing the president, while four percent say impeached but not removed, and 41 percent oppose impeachment altogether.

WTF is wrong with 41%?
Oh yeah, they’re idiots.
Just by definition, half the people are below average intelligence, and now we know how/what those morons think....


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